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Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer - Review

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

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After getting so many recommendations and hearing so many good things about Cinder, I knew I had to read Marissa Meyer's first novel. When a copy finally became available at my local library, I made sure to move it to the top of my to-read list. At first (for some reason) I half expected it to be more of a straightforward Cinderella retelling in a sci-fi setting - something along the lines of Girl Cyborg (Wicked Step-Family Shenanigans) + Handsome Prince = Happily Ever After. But it wasn't! Sure, there are plenty of great references to the classic fairy tale, but Meyer takes the tale and characters above and beyond. While reading I was interested to see if and how this retelling would subvert the traditional tale and refreshingly I saw this with Cinder herself. Cinder is very strong, smart, and independent. She is also a technically skilled MECHANIC. All of that makes for a well-developed and interesting character. I was also wondering what Meyer would do with the Prince because he's usually more of a bland stock character to be seen as more of a reward for Cinderella's goodness, patience, and suffering. The Prince, in this case, is fleshed out and given more to do. Also I was given the distinct impression while reading that the stakes are higher and more important than Cinder getting her "happily ever after" in the traditional sense. I was quite pleased to find that at least one of the step-sisters becomes sympathetic in Meyer's hands. Iko's also a brilliant addition to the cast. The superb twists and turns kept me coming back for more. I even managed to predict the big reveal at the end which didn't detract at all from the surprise of the moment by learning my guess was correct. Needless to say, I'm very excited for Scarlet!

I read this from April 13 - 17, 2013 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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