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Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing This Year

This week the theme of Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is books that I wouldn't mind Santa bringing this Christmas.  Well, like usual, I have more than ten to include but I'll try to narrow it down.

Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

The Walled City by Ryan Graudin

The Martian by Andy Weir

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

Skin Game by Jim Butcher

Schizo by Nic Sheff

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Revival by Stephen King

The Body Electric by Beth Revis


The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters

The Fall by Bethany Griffin

What do you think of my list?  Do we both want the same thing for Christmas this year?


  1. Great list Lauren!
    I definitely want Walled City, The Martian, The Body Electric, Station Eleven, The Fall, Red Rising, and Revival too! I still haven't read These Broken Stars and the Raven Cycle series yet. Definitely have to read those soon. Other than these, I haven't heard of any other books from your list. Now I'm gonna check these out on Goodreads!

    1. Thanks! The Raven Cycle has been fantastic so far-reaching it comes with high marks from me! Skin Game is the most recent installment of The Dresden Files which is one of my favorites. :)

    2. Ooh, sounds good! I am seeing loads of great reviews for Raven Cycle, and I'll read it soon! It's going to be my first Stiefvater. :)

    3. l also really enjoyed the Wolves of Mercy Falls series which starts with Shiver. And, The Scorpio Races is an excellent standalone by Stiefvater. :)

  2. AWESOME LIST! I have read some of these: Station Eleven, Red Rising, and The Martian, and I'm dying to read Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Revival, and The Cure for Dreaming. I hope you get everything you want!

  3. Ooh I have the Body Electric, but I have yet to read it still. I seriously need to read Maggie Stiefvater's books; I hear a lot of good things about them ^.^

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. She's one of my favorites - I hope you like her books! Let me know how you like The Body Electric! :)

  4. Oh! The Martian is available for request on Blogging for Books right now! I almost requested it, but I was afraid that I'd hate it.

    I also want to read The Body Electric. It looks good!

    Erin @ The Hardcover Lover

    1. Hmm... I've got in on my Christmas list so I'm hoping someone will get it for me. :)

  5. I've only read Blue Lily, Body Electric, and Red Rising, but I loved them!
    I hope you get some of these for Christmas!

    1. I hope I do too! :) I can't wait to see where The Raven Cycle goes!

  6. You have a great list up there. I would add Red Rising to my list too, but 10 was the number haha. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. I've heard the Raven Cycle is really good. :) I want to read The Walled City. I've heard a bit about Red Rising. This Shattered World is so pretty. I haven't really heard of the other books, aside from Body Electric. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)


    1. It's fantastic! I'm really hoping This Shattered World is as good as These Broken Stars.

  8. Great list! I haven't read any of them but really want to read some of those!

  9. I've been planning to read the Raven Boys series but haven't got to it yet this year! And I'm also very interested in This Shattered World. Anyways, happy holidays!

  10. This shattered World and the cure for dreaming are both books i'm really excited about - I believe This Shattered World made it to my list as well. I hope you get to read them all! :)

  11. So many excellent books! I have Red Rising and Station Eleven on my TBR, and hope to read them soon.
    And of course BLLB. That goes without question :-)

  12. I'm hoping to start the Raven Cycle early in the new year - everyone seems to be loving it! Station Eleven and The Cure for Dreaming also sound interesting :-D
    Hope you received/read some great books over the holidays :-)

    1. I did, thanks! :) The first two are fantastic and I can't wait to start Blue Lily, Lily Blue.

  13. Nice list. We have Station Eleven in common in this TTT


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