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Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated 2015 Debuts

This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is a very exciting one: Most Anticipated 2015 Debuts! For me this list could be miles long, but I'll try to restrain myself!  So here we go, in no particular order:

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker - Game of Thrones + witch hunters being accused of witch craft sounds very good indeed!

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - Honestly had me a Doctor Who with librarian spies!

Shutter by Courtney Alameda - Descendants of Van Helsing, monster hunting, ghost exorcism, and a cover with a creature that reminds me of the Balrog?!  February 3rd can't come soon enough!

The Awesome by Eva Darrows - Looks like an awesome combination of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural - so much potential!

Gideon by Alex Gordon - This one actually comes out today and this urban fantasy thriller sounds like it has a great central mystery.  And, the main character is named Lauren, too, so there is that!

Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia - Just reading the summary makes me think of Neil Gaiman and maybe Terry Pratchett!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard - The Red Queen Trilogy sounds like a new series I could really loose myself in - I've had my eyes on this one for a while now!

The Girl of Midnight by Melissa Grey - I've had my eyes on this one for quite a while now, too!  Since it's described as being for fans of Cassandra Clare and Leigh Bardugo (I'm definitely going to be reading Shadow and Bone very soon) makes The Girl at Midnight sound very promising!

City of Savages by Lee Kelly - A stand alone dystopia set in a New York where Manhattan is a Red Allies P.O.W. camp makes this novel sound very intriguing.

The Edge of Forever by Melissa E. Hurst - Time Travel!!

What do you think of my ten?  Do we share any titles?  Do any just scream your name like they are mine?


  1. These all sound like great books! I hadn't hear of it before, but The City of Savages sounds amazing! I also of course can't wait for The Red Queen.

  2. This Dead Boys book sounds intriguing and look at that cover. I just picked up Good Omens, so if I enjoy it I will have to look into this book too.

  3. I'm a Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett fan, so now I'm intrigued by Dead Boys -- will have to look it up. Looks like we share a couple of titles!

    1. I loved Good Omens, and the authors separately, so I've got high hopes for Dead Boys!

  4. I'm really looking forward to the Red Queen! I haven't heard of the Witch Hunter before, but it looks like it has a lot of potential :)

  5. I haven't heard of Dead Boys, but I'm definitely adding it to my Goodreads! I've heard City of Savages is amazing!

  6. I saw several of these up on GoodReads, plus we share several of them. A good list! Can't wait to read some of these. :)

  7. Oooh, I hadn't heard of Gideon or Dead Boys before! I am definitely going to check those out, they sound pretty good. Your last two made my list, and Red Queen and The Witch Hunter *almost* made mine! Hope you enjoy them :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. I'm glad I could influence you! :) You have good taste. :D

  8. The Witch Hunter, Shutter, The Girl at Midnight, and Red Queen are all on my TBR list! They sound AMAZING! 2015 will be a great year :)

    my Top Ten

    1. So many awesome books are being released this year!


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