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Top Ten Tuesday: Books You Would Classify As All Time Favorites From The Past 3 Years

The theme for The Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday is Books You Would Classify As All Time Favorites From The Past 3 Years.  This week I will be listing some of my all time favorites that I have devoured in the last three years.  Here we go, in order of date initially read:

1. A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin (May 21-July 28, 2012)

2. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (August 16 -23, 2012)

3. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (October 8 -10, 2012)

4. Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines (December 7 -13, 2012)

5. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (January 22 - 24, 2013)

6. Cinder by Marissa Meyer (April 13 - 17, 2013)

7. Night Film by Marisha Pessl (November 22 - 29, 2013)

8. Hounded by Kevin Hearne (April 20 - 23, 2014)

9. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (June 19 - 23, 2014)

10. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (August 20 - September 5, 2014)

There are so many more titles I could add to my list since I'm covering three years worth of reading, but I was somehow able to narrow it down.  If you haven't read any of these, they all come highly recommended from me.  So, how do our lists look?  Do we share any recently read all time favorites?


  1. Gone Girl is on my list this week too. It's certainly a memorable reading experience! :-) Throne of Glass could've easily made my list as well. My TTT

  2. I haven't read any of the books on your list... A few of them sound intriguing, so am sure I'll be adding some new book titles to my ever growing reading wishlist!! Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. Cool - I hope you enjoy them when you get to them. :)

  3. Replies
    1. You should really check it out - it's fantastic. The whole series is, by the way.

  4. Gone Girl is right outside of my randomly ordered ten.

    I'm glad to see you're enjoying Game of Thrones and the Iron Druid Chronicles.

    This is from Michael over at Nashville Book Worm. It won't let me post via my wordpress account.

    1. They're both great series. :) Thanks for visiting.

  5. Great list!! I loved Game of Thrones, too! I need to start reading the third book. Throne of Glass is amazing and I still need to read Cinder! I haven't read Gone Girl but I saw the movie and I loved it. Did you see/like the film?

    1. Same here - I need to work on the third book. I also need to continue Maas's series. Cinder is fantastic and so is the rest of the series. I've seen Gone Girl, too, and the book is just as good. :)

  6. I love The Knife of Never Letting Go. It's in my top three favorite book of all time list. I just finished Code Name Verity and am now a little broken, but it was so good though.

    1. Yes, same here in regards to The Knife of Never Letting Go. Have you read the rest of the series yet?

  7. Cinder is on my list as well. :) Here's my Top 10 of past 3 Years post.

    1. I'm glad you liked it. Have you checked out any of the others in the series yet? Thanks for visiting. :)

  8. Ouu nice list! I loved Hounded and I really need to finish the series!

    1. Thanks! I've read the first three, so I do too! :)

  9. I keep hearing good things about Throne of Glass! I definitely need to check that one out!

  10. Oh, Throne of Glass is so freaking good. And I love The Raven Boys and Code Name Verity as well. Gone Girl is at the top of my TBR, so it's great to see it here. Great list, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  11. I'm way behind on the Throne of Glass train, but I'm hoping to read ACOTAR soon so maybe that will persuade me to read anything and everything Sarah Maas
    Jordin @ A Bottomless Book Bag

    1. It's soo good! I'm hoping to work on the rest of the series and ACOTAR myself. :)

  12. I'm intending to read so many of these! Looks like a good haul.

    1. Awesome. I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for visiting.

  13. Great list! I have seen so many lists today with Night Film on it, so I must get in gear and read that book! Totally agree with Gone Girl. I'm not sure how I missed that one!

    1. Night Film is dark in the best of ways. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - the same goes for Gone Girl. :)

  14. Great list! I have seen so many lists today with Night Film on it, so I must get in gear and read that book! Totally agree with Gone Girl. I'm not sure how I missed that one!

  15. Yay, Libriomancer and Cinder! I really liked Hounded, too. Code Name Verity is on my TBR list, and so are the Sarah Maas book and maybe The Raven Boys.

    1. Woo! All of them are worth the read. I hope you enjoy Sarah Maas and Elizabeth Wein. And you should definitely check out The Raven Boys while you're at it.

  16. We definitely share Game of Thrones and Cinder, I just read Throne of Glass in January as well. The Raven Boys and Gone Girl are on my TBR, and hopefully I'll get to start them sometime soon.

  17. There are a bunch of these I need to read yet. So many of them sound so great. And I keep hearing great stuff about Throne of Glass.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome. I hope you pick up Throne of Glass!

  18. Yay for Throne of Glass! I absolutely love that series. It's my current favorite. :) I've been hearing a lot of great things about Code Name Verity. It's on my TBR shelf!

    1. Woo! I can't wait to continue the series. I hope you enjoy Code Name Verity.

  19. Oooh, Code Name Verity! I almost added it to my list. Such a great book. Love your list!

  20. OHHH I LOVE SO MANY OF THESE. Maggie Stiefvater is my favourite author ever. <3 And I adore Sarah J Maas' books ALL OF THEM. And yes yes to Cinder and Code Name Verity. Although I'll never recover from that one. XD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting me, too! I don't think I'll get over it either.

  21. Game of Thrones and Knife of Never Letting Go are AMAZING. I have Raven Boys out from the library, so I'm going to read that soon :) I've only just read Throne of Glass, and I loved it. I can't wait to get to the rest of the series! Code Name Verity and Gone Girl are both on my TBR
    Thanks foe visiting Addlepates and Book Nerds :)

    1. Agreed! I hope you like The Raven Boys (and hopefully the rest of the series!), Code Name Verity, and Gone Girl! :)


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