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Mid-Year Book Freakout 2015

I participated in the Mid-Year Book Freakout last year and I know I'm a bit past the middle of the year now, but I'd still like to take part in this survey.  The Freakout is hosted by Chami and Ely @ A Book So Fathomless.  Feel free to take part and link up!

1. Best Book You've Read So Far In 2015.

It's so difficult to come up with just one so here are nine of my favorite reads from this year: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir (I've just finished this one and it was fantastic!), Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, The Albino's Treasure by Stuart DouglasZero World by Jason M. HoughMs. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson (Vol. 1-3), A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, City of Savages by Lee Kelly, The Martian by Andy Weir, Shutter by Courtney Alameda

2. Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2015.

Like I said before, it's difficult to come up with just one when I've read so many great sequels this year: World After by Susan Ee, Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater, Half Wild by Sally Green, Fairest by Marissa Meyer, The Harvest by N.W. Harris

3. New Release You Haven't Read Yet But Want To.

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh - I can't wait to crack it open!

4. Most Anticipated Release For The Second Part Of The Year.

Winter by Marissa Meyer - It's release date can't come soon enough!

5. Biggest Disappointment.

Black City by Elizabeth Richards and Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James

6. Biggest Surprise.

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver - I read this for book club.  I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own because usually when I hear something's an Oprah's Book Club pick I tend to avoid it.  This one, however, is definitely worth checking out!

7. Favorite New Author (Debut Or New To You).

Victoria Schwab - I'm pretty sure she's a genius and I need to read more of her work!

8. Newest Fictional Crush.

I'm not very good with this fictional crush stuff, but I'm sure Gansey's on that list somewhere.

9. Newest Favorite Character.

Peter Caswell from Zero World by Jason M. Hough is pretty awesome!

10. Book That Made You Cry.

Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee - Tears of anger and frustration, otherwise none.

11. Book That Made You Happy.

So many I could go with here, but Ms. Marvel (Vol. 1-3) by G. Willow Wilson definitely fits the bill!

12. Favorite Book To Film Adaptation You've Seen This Year.

Well, I did see Insurgent.  It was quite a bit different than the source material, but for the most part it worked and I think I liked it more than its predecessor.  Miles Teller kind of stole the show.

Otherwise, though, my favorite book to screen adaptation this year has been Grantchester.  I'm counting this one for this year since I watched it via PBS Masterpiece.

While I liked the book that it's based on, Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death by James Runcie, the show really impressed me and I can't wait to see the next season.

13. Favorite Review You've Written This Year.

There have been so many I've enjoyed writing, but I always get a kick out of writing reviews for ARC's so I'd have to say my review for Zero World by Jason M. Hough.  I also really enjoyed writing the review for City of Savages by Lee Kelly.

14. Most Beautiful Book You've Bought So Far This Year (Or Received).

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The covers I've already posted here are all impressive, but for this question I'm going to mention some books that I've recently picked up that look pretty cool: Lionheart by Sharon Kay Penman, Time Salvager by Wesley Chu, and The Awesome by Eva Darrows.

15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year?

As many as I possibly can get my hands on!


  1. I love this tag! I hope you don't mind if I steal the premise and do one on my own blog........

    1. Have at it! I'd like to see your responses! :)

    2. Haha, yes I just did the tag! Had a ton of fun doing it, too!

      My tag:

  2. I'm so hyped up for Winter! I can't wait to see how it all ends! It's definitely my most anticipated read of the year as well. :) I've seen this tag all over the blogosphere and booktube and really want to do it!

    1. I'd definitely like to see your responses! I can't wait for Winter!

  3. I've liked him since the beginning of the series, but since I've just read the third book not too recently... Thanks for the nomination!


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