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Top Ten Tuesday: YA Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books That Should Be Taught In High Schools

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's theme is a Back To School Freebie, so I selected YA Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels That Should Be Taught In High School.  Three of my choices aren't necessarily YA, but I they cross over well.  Here we go, alphabetical order by author.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson

Would you like to see any of my selections taught in high schools?  What titles would you add?  What did you do for your freebie topic this week?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting!


  1. Um yes, yes, and a million percent yes?! THESE ARE SUCH GLORIOUS CHOICES. *hails* Some of these books (the Hunger Games, Percy Jackson etc) literally shaped my childhood reading, and I feel as if they deserve to be taught in schools in the future - children deserve to have the experience!!

    I've always thought that it's going to be really strange to see which books are "classics" in say, 50 years. Will it be the ones we enjoy today?

    1. I know, right! What are the new classics going to be? :)

  2. Ooooo I forgot about Never Let Me Go, that would be a really really good one! I would have loved to have read Cinder and The Hunger Games in high school!
    Great choices for your list this week!

    1. Thanks! These could certainly help make English classes more enjoyable!

  3. Hi Lauren! Your list is so awesome. I've read a couple of these and agree with most. But not Never Let Me Go. I didn't like that book. Don't really know why. The knife of never letting go has been on my TBR for too long. Need to get to it! Maybe I should make my own prescribed reading list. I didn't do a TTT, but I did do my 100 post celebration and I've mentioned you! Here's the link:

    1. Thanks!

      I actually watched the movie adaptation of Never Let Me Go first and it was fantastic. I didn't know it was a book until later actually.

      The entire Chaos Walking series is one of my all time favorite series - I hope you like it!

  4. I keep seeing Raven Boys and I love that cover! Happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

    1. It's an all time favorite too - I'm currently working my way through the grand finale!

  5. I loved Throne of Glass, Cinder and The Hunger Games :-) I also have Never Let Me Go on my TBR :-) great list

  6. Wow great picks!! So many good ones. I would like to read Never Let Me Go and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

  7. The Princess Bride and Riordan are my faves on this list, but I think Hunger games is a good one too. I tried Hitchhiker's Guide and didn't get into it, but I think it's a great idea to introduce humor like that, so that'd be a great pick too. :)

  8. Great choices. I love seeing Cinder on the list.

  9. Since I didn't read any fantasy in school, I would be in favor of any/all of these being taught. Very cool list!

  10. I can get on board with Knife being taught (sans certain feels for a certain ruffian) but I think I have seen some schools teaching THG; which kind of makes me jealous cause the only "sci-fi" (or speculative fiction?) I got was Handmaids Tale -- notwithstanding my independent studies in Oryx and Crake etc.

    1. I'll admit though The Handmaids Tale was excellent to study in school. :)

  11. I've read your first three, plus Cinder. My TTT lists sci-fi cats to read about instead of doing homework.

  12. YES!! I think a lot of fantasy / sci-fi actually tackle a lot of society problems in a unique way, and I have some to add to your list, since I didn't make my own top ten list :D
    These Broken Stars and
    Red Rising

    Have a great Tuesday.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. They really do, don't they. These Broken Stars - I should have added it to my list! I still need to get to Red Rising.

      Thanks for visiting, Lexxie!

  13. Great choices. I would love to see Ms. Marvel taught at schools.

  14. Great choices on this list, I really enjoyed a lot of these but I'd like to read The Knife of Never Letting Go sometime.

  15. Great choices on this list, I really enjoyed a lot of these but I'd like to read The Knife of Never Letting Go sometime.

  16. Such a great list! :-)

  17. I would have loved to read some of these in school instead of the books we did read (in which I hated most of them). Especially The Princess Bride! Why is that not taught in schools as a classic?

    1. For me it was all in how they were taught - I could have loved them, but the teacher murdered them...

  18. Yessss to the Princess Bride! I love it!

  19. The Lightning Thief, The Hunger Games and Cinder are three of my all time favorite series so I am so glad you put them on your list! They definitely deserve to be taught at school - haha. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

  20. Great choices! I definitely think The Hunger Games is an important book that could be worked into a school curriculum!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  21. I haven't read Ms. Marvel but otherwise I really like your list. It made me smile thinking about kids reading The Hunger Games and being told they could only read one chapter per night. Ha! Could it be read that slowly?

  22. Never Let Me Go would make for a very interesting read in school! Great list :)

    My TTT

  23. These would definitely work for high school. Great list!

  24. Great topic. I would have loved to read some of these in high school. I don’t remember reading any sci-fi, unless you count The Giver.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. True - although that was a good one! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  25. I agree with The Hunger Games and The Raven Boys! Although I might have picked The Scorpio Races since I loved that more. I have the first two volumes of Ms. Marvel, I should try to bump them up.

    1. The Scorpio Races is a fantastic standalone - I should have added that one to my list! I hope you like Ms. Marvel! :D

  26. OH YES. I wish I'd had The Raven Boys in highschool!! That would've made reading like THE BEST THING OF EVER.😂 Although, I mean, I loved reading anyway but still...precious Raven Boys!

  27. Huge Hell YES on Never Let Me Go and The Raven Boys. The writing in both is fab, Never Let Me GO provides so much food for thought and I think you could have lots of discussions about friendship and class with The Raven Boys.

    1. Would have made class discussion so much more interesting!

  28. The Knife of Never Letting Go was so close to making my list and I almost indulged in adding The Raven Boys. I think The Princess Bride would be so much fun to read in a class setting, especially with students who haven't seen the movie. Great list!

    1. Yes, a bonus would be playing the movie at the end of the unit! :)

  29. Oh god. YES TO ALL OF THESE. My high school English class would have been the most fun ever if those were books that were being taught in class, haha.

  30. Yes these are amazing choices!! The Hunger Games should be taught in schools at this point, and same with Ms. Marvel! There should really just be more graphic novels for required reading in general.

  31. The TOG and Lunar books are BOTH still (to this day) on my massive TBR. After all the rave reviews they've received I haven't a clue WHY I've not read them. Ms. Marvel sounds cute too. :)

    PS: apologies for not stopping by sooner, Lauren - but thanks for the recent Finding Wonderland visit.


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