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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Sci-Fi Movies & TV Shows

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This weeks topic is a Movie Freebie and since it's Sci-Fi Month, I'm going to share five of my favorite sci-fi movies and five of my favorite sci-fi tv shows.


Star Wars - I love all of the movies, but I prefer the original trilogy and the newest installment over Episodes I - III.

Back to the Future - I love this series, especially the first and the last movies!

Jurassic Park - This was a major part of my childhood growing up.  I was surprised by just how much I loved Jurassic World.

The Matrix - I only like the first in the trilogy, but it's one of my all time favorite movies.

Minority Report - I was really hoping to like the new tv series, but it paled in comparison to the movie starring Tom Cruise.

TV Shows:

The Twilight Zone - You can never go wrong with Rod Serling's classic!

The Time Tunnel - I just happened to stumbled on volume one of the complete series on dvd and it's so much fun, and definitely ahead of it's time.  Too bad it was only on for one season.

Star Trek: The Next Generation - My favorite of all Star Trek series.  Data and Geordi are my favorite characters.

Fringe - I miss this show so much!  John Noble gave such a wonderful performance as Walter.

Doctor Who - David Tennant plays my favorite incarnation of the Doctor!  I'm actually all caught up with the newest series, and I'm very interested to see where it goes next.

What do you think of my list this week?  Do you like any of these shows and movies?


  1. The Minority Report. I was just thinking about that movie the other day for some reason. I should rewatch it.
    MY Top Christmas Movies

  2. Ahhh The Twilight Zone is the best but also completely freaks me out sometimes lol even though it's also kind of corny!

  3. Great list! I haven't watched Doctor Who in so long and I miss it. I'll have to rewatch it. Also, you can never go wrong with The Matrix and Back to the Future. And I can't stop staring at that Star Wars gif. It's so nice...

    1. Thanks for visiting, Jamie! I hope you can get caught up pretty soon on Doctor Who. Yes, that gif is a good one. :)

  4. This list is awesome. Yes to Star Wars (I feel the same about the movies) and Back to the Future (LOVE the first). Jurassic Park too. I've never seen The Time Tunnel! I'll have to go check for that.

    1. Thanks, Greg! I'd like to know what you think of The Time Tunnel! :D

  5. I used to love Back to the Future! I always forget about that movie.

  6. Hi! I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, but I did love Back to the Future. :)
    My TTT

  7. I love Star Wars and yes, the newer ones were not very good. I did enjoy this latest installment though. I miss Walter so much, John Noble was brilliant. Great list!

    1. I really need to see more of John Noble on my tv... :)

  8. I love sci-fi! Jurassic Park and Star Wars are awesome :D I wasn't a big fan of The Matrix (I think I was a bit young to get it when I saw it). And Doctor Who is always fantastic (Ten is my favourite Doctor, too)! Great list.

  9. The only film I really like on this list is minority report ...

  10. I love Jurassic Park. It's one of those movies I can watch over and over.

  11. If you love Doctor Who, give Class a try! It's just started, and it's a new spin-off written by Patrick Ness :)

  12. I have a soft spot for Jurassic World too - Lost World and III really weren't very good, and objectively neither is Jurassic World - but... I liked it anyway (even if it does jump the shark). I think part of it is the thrill of seeing the vision of the Park actually open, and part of it was just rampant nostalgia - it captured the atmosphere of the first film in a way the other 2 completely failed to do.

    I've also got a soft spot for Minority Report. Spielberg. Always hard to fault.

    1. Yeah, nostalgia probably has a good deal to do with it.. :D

  13. I LOVE the Twilight Zone. Those episodes are classic. Great list!

  14. Doctor Who is definitely among my all-time favourite series. I'm also really interested to see where they take this newest season, and I'm so glad that Michelle Gomez' Missy is sticking around - she's got to be one of my favourite Doctor Who villains of all time. :D

    1. I can't wait to meet Bill, the new companion! I'm glad Michelle Gomez is sticking around as well - great addition to the cast!

  15. These are some amazing picks. I absolutely love Fringe and Doctor Who, they are two of my favourite shows! :D

  16. Great List! I feel the same way about Star Wars. Oh, how I miss Fringe.

  17. I love Eps 4-8 of Star Wars, and the other 4 movies you list are super fun too :-) I've seen a few eps of Twilight Zone and one or two of Time Tunnel -- both excellent! And while I love Star Trek: The Original Series more, TNG is such fun too :-)

    1. You're one of the few people I've talked to who have actually seen The Time Tunnel! :D

    2. Why isn't it a better-known show? It's quirky, funny -- I really liked "The Revenge of Robin Hood" in particular.

    3. You've got me because it really should be!

  18. You remembered so many that I forgot! I feel so guilty I forgot about Back To The Future! What is wrong with my memory lol?! And Jurassic Park and The Matrix. I absolutely loved those movies too! Fabulous list Lauren! :)

  19. Love Jurassic Park!

  20. I watched an episode of Minority Report and was interested but not enough to care if I kept up with it as it aired. I've since forgotten about it, but should watch the film sometime. (It really was the year of make-a-movie-into-a-TV-show!) Love Doctor Who too, although I'm loving the Matt Smith years. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

    1. The movie is so good - I hope you'll enjoy it. Matt Smith is pretty darn good, too!

  21. Back to the Future! Jurassic Park! The Twilight Zone! I love those and I still need to watch more of Doctor Who and Star Trek. I haven't watched much of those. I'm always behind lol.


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