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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Were A Chore To Get Through

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books That Were A Chore To Get Through.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by author.  My reviews are linked:

Once Upon A [Stolen] Time by Samreen Ahsan - I liked the medieval aspect, but not so much the romance stuff.

The Art of Not Breathing by Sarah Alexander - I might have been just a bit too old for this one...

King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard - I thought this series was going to be three books total, but it just keeps dragging on.  Book one was alright, but it book two and three just aren't the same.  I probably won't even read book four.

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake - I had such high hopes for this, but unfortunately not all that much happens in the first half.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken - I was hoping that this would be a swashbuckling time travel adventure, but the first half was quite slow.

Thief of Lies by Brenda Drake - I was expecting more library hoping adventure and less kissing.

Biggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols - The main character really grated on my nerves - I just felt too old for this one too.

The Book Jumper by Methchilde Glaser - Cool hook (book jumping), but a mess of YA tropes.

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand - I had to read this for an assignment in high school and I was so angry throughout the entire slog.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner - Very little if anything happens in the first 30%, and after it still progresses very slowly.

Have you tried any of these novels?  If so, did you enjoyed these more than I did, or did you also find them a chore to work your way through.  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. When I was trying to do this post, the only book I could come up with was Glass Sword (I stopped the series after that one). Usually, if I am struggling too much, I DNF. I give all you guys out there who pushed through a lot of credit.

    1. It definitely took a downswing there, but I thought I'd give book three a try - done now though.

  2. I liked Three Dark Crowns and Hunted, maybe I like slow beginnings haha

    1. They weren't bad, but they just weren't quite what I was hoping for...

  3. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy Three Dark Crowns as much as you'd hoped! That one's on my TBR, hopefully I'll like it a bit more. =) I don't think you're alone with Passenger - I've seen quite a few readers say they found it a bit too slow.

    1. That's what I've noticed... it could have been a bit shorter too.


  4. I hadn't heard of any of these books, but I hope you've found better things to read these days. It stinks when you start a book and realize you don't like it!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. I had to push through Passenger as well! I liked it at first, but now I can't bring myself to read the sequel. I loved King's Cage but the series should have totally been only 2, max 3 books, because it's kind of dragging.

    1. I don't have plans any time soon to read the sequel to Passenger either.

  6. Totally full of compassion for Rand! So grateful I studied in France and that book was not required lol, Give me Proust any minute instead!

  7. I haven't heard or read any of these.

  8. I haven't read anything by Ayn Rand and can imagine her works would make for difficult reading!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week:

  9. I haven't read any of them and now....well....
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. Ha ha! I love that reading Ayn Rand made you angry.

    1. One of the few where I've been that actively angry! :D

  11. I'm currently reading Glass Sword and it's totally dragging! I don't think I'll be reading book three.
    My TTT:

  12. I haven't read any of the books that made your list. I do have a couple of them on my tbr list and one really old arc that I have been putting off for a while. I do try to dnf if I am not enjoying a book.

  13. This is sad because a lot of these are on my TBR- like Red Queen, Passengers, The Art of Not Breathing. And then I felt mildly better because I did love Three Dark Crowns! But then I saw that you did not like Hunted or The Book Jumper, which I also agree with. The Book Jumper WAS awfully tropey, wasn't it? And Hunted... I don't think it even needed to be a thing.

    1. Maybe you'll end up liking them more than me... Good luck, Shannon!

  14. I haven't read any of the books on your list, although a couple are on my TBR list (Passenger and Hunted). I haven't heard of The Book Jumper. It sounds like one of those books that is too good to be true.

    I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  15. Three Dark Crowns moved a little slower than I would have liked, although I liked the book overall. I just read the sequel and thankfully more happens! But yeah TDC was kinda slow...

    1. It wasn't bad -I just wished more could have happened.

  16. Uh-oh! Lots on this list I've been curious about. These include 'Crowns,' Red Queen (the entire series), Hunted, and Passenger. I've read a really good review on the latter... so maybe I'll give it a try yet. :)

    1. My main problem with Passenger was that it was too long considering what happens - hope you'll like it more than I did, Rissi!

  17. I had my eye on The Book Jumper. Just read your review. I had no idea that's what the book is about. Interesting concept but lacking depth? I also had high hopes for Three Dark Crowns, there was too much hype for the book, and not at all what I expected from the book.

    1. I was expecting much more from the both of them actually.

  18. I haven't read any of them, but had I seen the cover and title of Book Jumper before I read your review, I'd have added to my wish list.

    Interesting that you think you might be too old for some of these. I'm thinking about what you mean by that. You've had too many life experiences to buy into the storyline or ending? The characters are in a different place in their lives from you? Still thinking.

    1. I guess I've just done some growing up and the characters just grate on me as too irresponsible.

  19. I'm SO with you on The Thief of Lies! It was so dumb, I found, and like totally ripped of City of Bones😂. And Passenger was sooo sloooooow. I completely couldn't handle it.😂

  20. I haven't yet read any of these, but a few are on my TBR. Thanks for the heads up!! :)

    1. Maybe you'll like them a little more than me, Erica!

  21. The only one of these I've read is The Fountainhead, which I really loved -- but I was out of college when I read it, so that makes a difference?

    1. It might - I mean if I read it now... I don't know if I'd have a better reaction or not!

  22. Passenger was not an enjoyable read for me. I've never felt so deceived by a gorgeous book cover before, haha. What kind of high school teacher would torture their students with The Fountainhead? I haven't read it, but the length alone...

    1. Actually everyone who was hoping to make Honors English in 11th grade had to read The Fountainhead and write a paper on it. After the first 50 pages I was so angry about the novel - I've blocked out what my paper was about, but I do remember I had one of the best scores of all of the Honors English hopefuls! My anger must have fueled me! XD

  23. I had super high hopes for Hunted but I agree, it was very slow and plodding and never really amounted to much.

  24. Ugh just looking at King's Cage makes me feel sluggish. I couldn't even get to this book because every time I thought about buying it I knew I would dislike after book two was just awful. Such a shame because I really enjoyed Red Queen.

    1. Red Queen was pretty fun - but this was just one a drag.

  25. I haven't read any of these books but now I will avoid them. I am DONE with books that are a chore to read.

  26. Aw, gosh darn! I love that title of Once Upon a Stolen Time!

    I agree with King's Cage - I haven't read the second or third yet, but I never knew there would be a fourth in the works until I saw it on Goodreads!

    Passenger I felt the same way to be honest, even though I liked it in the long run. I don't know how bad Wayfarer will be in terms of slowness, but I hope it isn't bad or I'm going to regret going to the book tour and getting a signed copied.

    Thief of Lies - same! I felt like the romance was beginning to overshadow a lot of it, even though I DID enjoy it...

    Thanks for stopping by Novelistic Narration!

  27. I want to read Thief of Lies but the amount of kissing you hint at is putting me off, haha.

    1. Maybe you'll end up liking it a little more than me... :)


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