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Top Ten Tuesday: Book Boyfriends

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Book Boyfriends/ Girlfriends (Which characters do you have crushes on?)  I've always been terrible at this, but below are some of my favorite fictional guys!  Here we go, in order by character name.

Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Atticus Finch - To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee Harper

Atticus O'Sullivan - The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne

Jem Carstairs - The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

Peeta Mellark - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Reid - The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

Richard Campbell Gansey III - The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

Ron Weasley - Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Westley - The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Are these some of you favorites, too?  Thanks as always for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I know 8/10 of these, and can understand why you picked them. Gansey is one of my faves. He had so many good qualities, but he was a little obsessive. So, you would have to be willing to put up with that. Atticus Finch is an amazing, southern gentleman with such a spirit for justice. He was not perfect, but he saw his mistakes and faced them head on, which is a great quality in a man. Jem, gentle, lovable Jem. He did have many fine qualities, but I wonder if my heart felt more for him out of sympathy or if it was real. Reid was the nerdy, sweet, cute guy I couldn't help but love. Lots of quality picks here.

  2. I love that pic of Aragorn. What great choices (as always!) I do like the look of Hounded, which is totally new to me.

    Hope you are having a great week, Lauren.

    1. Thanks Sassy!

      The Iron Druid Chronicles is one of my favorite uf series!

  3. Westley! And Ron! And Aragorn! Such great choices :)

  4. Kell and Peeta were both on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  5. YES! I don't feel like Ron gets enough credit (especially after the movies did him so wrong), but he's always been my favorite.

    Oooh... and Westley! Best hero ever. :D

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Movie Ron definitely got the short end of the stick, unfortunately.

      100% right!

  6. Wow! Awesome list and I'm surprised to see Ron here!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. He's always been one of my favorites from that series!

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. Yes, I`m so happy to see Jem on your list, as most people prefer Will/Jace. And Peeta is such an amazing character, probably my number one pick.

    Carmen / Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. I like them too, but they've never quite been able to surpass Jem. :)

      Thanks for coming over!

  8. I definitely have movie crushes on both Aragorn and Westley. Nice list!

  9. Aragorn is awesome. And Westley!! Great pick. :) I'm surprised I haven't seen him on more lists...

  10. Hi, what a lovely post!! <3 RON! Actually there are SOOO MANY great characters on your list... I'm surprised at Atticus Finch making so many lists...

    This week I twisted the topic and talked about why fall in love with characters...

    1. Thanks Dani!

      I was wondering if he'd show up on many. :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  11. Jem is honestly my favorite in the whole Shadowhunter world <3 I'm so happy to find another Jem fan (everyone always loves Will)

  12. Gansey was also on my list! he's just so wonderful!

  13. I love so many of these characters! Jem, Carswell and Westly!! Great list!

  14. Great list! I came close to putting Jem on my list, and Atticus Finch is a great choice. I love that someone else chose Aragon :)

  15. Atticus Finch! My husband and I both love To Kill A Mockingbird. We even named one of our dogs Atticus.

    Oh! I didn't think of Westley! He's definitely dedicated to his one true love. :)

    Aragon and Ron are good choices, too!

  16. Peeta. Yes. Westley. Yes. Richard Gansey. Double yes. Carswell. Hmm...interesting choice.

  17. Gansey, Ronald and Thorne are all my favorites! And I'm loving the fan art you included.. That was a really nice touch :)

    - Shanu (

  18. Great list! I didn't even think of Ron, or anyone else from Harry Potter series!

  19. Peeta is probably the best book boyfriend you can have, he`s so loving and loyal.

  20. So many great picks. I love Jem, Gansey, Peeta! Thorne made my many options though really!

  21. I love Aragorn, especially when he looked so gorgeous in the films!

  22. OH wow, I can't believe I forgot about Aragorn and Atticus. They would have definitely made my list.

  23. Ooh, book boyfriends and girlfriends. I've got quite a few, especially Varen from Nevermore and Tanith from Skulduggery Pleasant.

    I've tagged you in a post

    1. Skulduggery Pleasant is such a fun one!

      Thanks for sharing.

  24. Aww... Peeta!! Love seeing him on so many of the lists this past week. He's a great fit for the topic. :)

  25. I pretty much agree with all of your choices, but Wesley has to be the best. That line kills me every time!

    Nicole @ whatadifferenceawordmakes (wordpress)


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