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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Could Re-Read Forever

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish, which is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  The rules are exactly the same as they were before - this week's topic is Books I Could Re-Read Forever.  I don't re-read often, but here are some books I've re-read and some books I'd like to re-read in the future.  All of the ones I've selected today are part of a series, a couple of which I haven't yet finished, but I would love to experience again from the beginning.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by series title:

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Jackaby by William Ritter

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Have you read any of these series?  What books would you like to reread?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Ooh The Lord of the Rings should have been on my list too! And I've been meaning to read dresden.

    1. I've finally gotten caught up on Dresden and I'm dying for more!

  2. I love the Raven Boys series. I could reread them. Books I Re-Read

    1. I'd really like to reread them on audiobook - I've heard the production is fantastic. :)

  3. *sigh* my love for Cassandra Clare has no bounds. And I can't wait for the last Throne of Glass book!

  4. Yes to Harry Potter!
    I've read all of the Lunar Chronicles except Winter, and I own Jackaby and need to read it. I've also read the first in the Shades of Magic series and NEED to read the other two.


    1. I'd love to know what you think of those when you get to them, Lauren! :)

  5. I love City of Bones as well, and I NEED to read The Raven Boys, I'm not sure why I haven't gotten to those books yet (well, lack of time, I guess!)

  6. I've reread HP and the Sorcerer's Stone a couple of times and I just love that the first book retains its magic. Great list!

    1. I've reread the entire series multiple times myself! :D

      Thanks for coming over, Alicia.

  7. Cinder, a great one. I won Cress from a Goodreads giveaway, but it's a big book and I haven't got to it yet. Sarah Maas, I do have a little something on my Kindle and keep meaning to get to it. I have heard such great things about her work, I gotta know. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I think Cress actually my favorite of the entire series. I really like the first book in the series of Maas. Hope you'll enjoy them. :)

  8. I don't generally reread books, don't think I ever did. If I did it might be like The Hunger Games, maybe. Maybe one day HP with my son.

    1. I probably should have added THG myself. :)

      Thanks for coming over, Lily!

  9. Lots of great series up there: ToG, TMI, Raven Cycle, Percy Jackson, LoTR. I am not a re-reader, but I definitely enjoyed those series.

  10. Good choices! Jackaby and The Raven Boys are some of my favorites.

  11. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Shades of Magic were on my list this week too. I do love The Raven Boys and Throne of Glass, just couldn't fit them on my list this week!
    My TTT:

    1. Honestly, it was hard to narrow my list down to just ten. :)

      Thanks for visiting!

  12. My son reads the Dresden Files books. I think he's on book six. :)

    Harry Potter, Tolkien, The Raven Cycle, and probably the Shades of Magic trilogy (I loved the first book and need to read the otbers) would all be on my list, too. <3

    I have all of the Jackaby books on my Kindle and I need to read them. :D

    1. He's got a lot of good stuff to come - that's for sure! :D

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I really need to retry the Dresden files. I tried reading the series shortly after watching the Show they tried to make.. and it wasn't good. The only thing good about the show was who they cast to play Harry Dresden. (Paul Blackthorne). I think the show ruined the books for me, but it's been a few years at this point that I think I can read the books and not think of the show.
    (there was a random space in the link in the old comment that caused it to not work, had to fix it)
    Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. The show was such a disappointment... I'm still upset about it! But, yeah, I agree Blackthorne did a decent job with the character. I hope you enjoy the books when you get there.

  15. Wow, someone else has read Jackaby! That was a fun book. And I love ADSoM and am so excited we're getting new books!

    1. I know right - that series needs so much more love! :)

  16. I really want to read the last TOG book! But she pushed the release date back :(

  17. I loved Cinder! I also need to get started on Throne of Glass, but after I finish ACOTAR!

    1. I need to start ACOTAR and continue TOG. Thanks for coming over!

  18. Great list!!! I totally agree with quite a few of them! Some are still on my TBR :)

  19. Oh I should have included Percy Jackson! I love those books. I'm listening to Magnus Chase with my boys right now. Here's my TTT. (I can't comment with Wordpress anymore for some reason to link to my page.)


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