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We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix (ARC) - Review

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

In the 1990s, heavy metal band Dürt Würk was nearly a breakout success, but the lead singer Terry went solo and became a superstar as Koffin, leaving the rest of the band in the dust. Now, former guitarist Kris is miserable as a night manager at Best Western. Then one day she learns a horrific secret about Terry's meteoric success -it may have come at the price of Kris's soul. With this information, Kris plans to confront the man who ruined her life, but first she's going have to get the rest of Dürt Würk back together again and travel across the country to a monster of a music festival where Koffin is playing his final show.

I was so excited when I realized I had been approved for this ARC via NetGalley because Grady Hendrix has quickly become one of my favorite new horror writers. His brand of horror is right up my alley - I loved Horrorstor and My Best Friend's Excorcism was pretty fantastic. Needless to say, I had really high hopes and was expecting to be thoroughly creeped out by his newest novel. Luckily for me, We Sold Our Souls totally delivers in all the ways that matter. I'm not a guitarist and heavy metal isn't one of my favorite genres, but as a musician I forgot how much I like reading about fellow musicians. I especially like seeing it in genre fiction which doesn't happen often enough, and I love how key Kris's music (and love of music) plays such a central role in this horror story. Kris herself is a fascinating lead character. Even though she's quite flawed, a bit rough around the edges, and doesn't always make the best decisions, I couldn't help but root for her throughout. In fact, all of the characters in this novel are complex and well-drawn. Finally, I just need to mention just how well this novel works as a psychological horror story. I was on the edge of my seat and there are plenty of twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Plus, if you're into conspiracy theories this will probably get you going as well.

Overall, We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix is a thrilling new Lovecraft-esque horror novel that focuses on music and its cast. If you've enjoyed this author's previous works, I have a feeling that you'll love this too. I can't wait to see what he's going to do next. One thing's for sure, though, I will never look at UPS in the same way!

Thanks again, NetGalley!

I read this ARC from September 10 - 14, 2018 and my review is also on GoodreadsWe Sold Our Souls will be released on September 18th, 2018.


  1. Ok now I'm curious about how UPS is part of this story! I also have a NetGalley copy to read, and I can't wait to get to it😃

  2. I meant to read My Best Friend's Exorcism last October, but never got around to it. Might have to squeeze it in somewhere after reading your review of this one. Also curious about that UPS comment.

  3. Oh yay, so glad that you enjoyed this! I love the idea of a solid psychological thriller, that is definitely my favorite kind! Definitely intrigued that there's a UPS situation hah. And while I don't always love music angles in books, I am so glad it worked for you! Great review!

  4. I'm very curious about this one - and the other two by the author. I've always heard good things. Glad this was another winner for you! And while I'm not a musician, I like reading about them/music too.


    1. The author is quickly becoming one of my favorites! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog, Lauren.

  5. Awesome review!! Do you listen to the Book in the Freezer podcast? They just did a great interview with this author :)

    Erica | Erica Robyn Reads

    1. I haven't yet, but it sounds like a good one for horror fans. :)

  6. great blog
    very nice article
    keep it up


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