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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make Me Hungry

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books That Make Me Hungry.  I'm listing a good mix of genre and age categories this week, but these are some of my favorites that feature food.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

11/22/63 by Stephen King - Is it weird that I want to try the Fatburger?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - This one's probably a pretty obvious choice to anyone who has a sweet tooth. 

Geekerella (Once Upon A Con #1) by Ashley Poston - What can I say, the main character works on a food truck and it sounds like it has a good menu.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer - Cath just wanted to open up a bakery. Is that too much to ask?

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia #1) by C.S. Lewis - Sure, Turkish delight is good, but not quite sell out your entire family good.

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, Supper. Need I say more?

North of Happy by Adi Alsaid - My favorite scenes are definitely when Carlos is in the kitchen.

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Hicks - Just writing about this makes me want to taste all of the perfect for fall treats featuring in this delightful graphic novel.

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen - I mean, Layla and Mac's family own a pizza parlor and they play bluegrass. That makes them okay in my book!

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo - Seriously all the food mentioned here will get your mouth watering!

What books make you hungry?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I love the food in the Lord of the Rings! And a pizza parlor- awesome!

  2. I've read an excerpt of Pumpkinheads and it made me so hungry reading about all the treats at the pumpkin farm. These are great choices!

  3. The meal scenes in Lord of the Rings always make me hungry!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. Okay, now I really do need to read Pumpkinheads.

    My post .

  5. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Heartless were both on my list this week too.
    My TTT:

  6. How did I forget Heartless and the constant baking??? Great list!

    Here's my TTT post.

  7. I have WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH on my list. And I just thought of Turkish Delights after reading someone else's list.

  8. I loved the recipes at the beginning of the chapters in North of Happy, and there were some dishes I really wanted to taste. I nagged my parents forEVER to get me turkish delight after seeing the Narnia cartoon movie.

  9. Great list!! How could I forget Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl? I want to try everything in the factory! I also added With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo to my list this week. Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

    1. Thanks! So do I! I hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it.

      Thanks for sharing!

  10. I've never understood the Turkish Delight obsession. Sounds gross to me and I love sweets!

    Happy TTT!


  11. Great list! I'd happily live my life eating like a Hobbit.

  12. Definitely Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so many descriptions of lovely sweets. Yes to LOTR as well, I like to think I eat like a hobbit!!

  13. Yes to all! So funny, I forgot the fatburgers in 11/22/63, so I was startled to see it as a book that makes you hungry. I'd love to visit the Wonka factory, and I think I was a Hobbit in a former life, because 2nd breakfast sounds like a necessity to me. I love the pumpkin patch food in Pumpkinheads -- I want to try it all!

    1. It is odd to think of that King book. And Elevenses! :)

  14. I've read Narnia, Geekerella, and Heartless, seen the movies for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and With the Fire on High, Saint Anything, and Pumpkinheads are on my TBR. And reading this post definitely made me hungry. XD

    1. I don't blame you there. Happy reading for those on your tbr. :)

  15. Great list! I totally forgot about Geekerella and that food truck!!

  16. Always love to visit the world of Narnia and I still have to read Geekerella. Sounds SO dang cuuute. :) Thanks so much for the recent visits to Finding Wonderland, Lauren. Apologies its taken me so long to visit here.


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