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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Sequels That I Read In 2020

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Resolutions/ Hopes for 2021, but I've decided to do something completely different.  I'm featuring the best sequels that I read in 2020.  Sometimes I feel like I don't give sequels the attention they deserve.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order:

The Archive of the Forgotten (Hell's Library #2) by A.J. Hackwith

Aurora Burning (The Aurora Cycle #2) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


  1. I'm missing out! Several of these I'm not even familiar with! But you're right, sequels don't always get the love they deserve. Whenever I talk about a series, I usually promote the first book.

    1. You've got a lot of good series to start in on, then! :)

  2. Ooh nice. Sequels do need more attention! I love the look of the Goss one, and what a nice cover on LAbyrinth.

    1. Their series openers are both absolutely outstanding as well, Greg.

  3. Great list! I'm glad to see The Republic of Thieves on your list--I'd like to catch up with the series and I'm hoping to read Red Seas Under Red Skies soon.

  4. Ooh there are some good books on this list! Titan's Day is one of my favorites😁

  5. Glad to know Republic of Thieves is good, I loved the first book!
    Need to finish that series.

    1. If you're into audiobooks, that series is one of the best in that format.

  6. Yeah, it can be hard to talk about sequels when you don't know if your audience has read the first in the series. Glad to see Tristan Strong here. I actually need to read the first book still. Hope you pick up many enjoyable sequels in 2021!

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy Tristan Strong - they are so delightful. :)

  7. I can't wait for Gentleman Bastard Book 4, hope you'll read the 3rd one in the interim, it's a great one. Good luck!!

    1. Yes, I have read and it's fantastic. I can't wait to read book four.

  8. Oh, this is fun! I feel like there are a lot of great sequels I've been missing out on—sometimes it's just so hard keeping up with series.

    1. It really can be with all the great series openers, finales, and standalones out there! :)

  9. Aurora Burning is one of my favourite books I read last year, along with the first book! I can't wait for the next book :)


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