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Top Ten Tuesday: International Netflix Shows I Want To Watch

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I Wish I Could Read Again for the First Time, but I've decided yet again to do something entirely different because it feels like I've done this topic really recently.  Anyway, this week I'm featuring International Netflix Shows I Want To Watch.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order:

Arthdal Chronicles - I don't know about you, but this Korean action fantasy series looks like it's going to be awesome!

Equinox - This is Danish supernatural thriller looks like it has a lot of potential.

Invisible City - All I had to hear was mystery thriller and Brazilian folklore.

Luna Nera - 16th century Italy, witchcraft, and the chosen one?  Sounds good to me!

Marianne - I've heard this French horror show compared to Channel Zero, The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and Castle Rock, so I've got high expectations.

Norsemen - I've heard this compared to What We Do In The Shadows, but Vikings instead of vampires - and really that's all I needed to hear.

Ragnarok - One of my friends has been watching this and I've only been hearing good things.  I need to start in on it myself.

To The Lake - It's weird watching anything with plagues, epidemics, and/ or pandemics these days but this sounds like it could be worth it.

Vagabond - I've been watching quite a few Korean movies and tv shows and this one looks like a must watch.  I haven't watched a show featuring a stunt man as the lead character in ages.

Young Wallander - I enjoyed reading the Wallander books and I liked the tv series with Kenneth Branagh, so I don't know why I've been putting this off.

What international Netflix shows are your favorites?  Have you watched any of these?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I hope you enjoy all of these shows!

    My post:

  2. I started Invisible City but I'm only an episode in. Marianne is spooky!!! To the Lake was pretty good (I wish too many shows, clearly).

    Equinox is one I'm sorta thinking of trying. I love Black Spot, by the way... it's a French Belgian co production I believe and is eerie and great ha ha!

    1. I've been eyeing Black Spot - it looks really tempting. :)

  3. I've been watching Lupin which is a French series, and that's a lot of fun. I'd also like to watch the Spanish series Elite at some point because I've heard good stuff about that one.
    My TTT:

    1. Yes, I loved Lupin. I'm so glad there's supposed to be a third season! :)

  4. I hope you enjoy these shows! I used to watch The British Baking Show and I recently saw someone post about a show set in Australia that I would want to watch, but can't remember the name of it. Here's my TTT this week:

  5. Great list! I don't watch a lot of tv, much to my husband's dismay. We have like 300 channels through our cable provider, Disney+, and Netflix and I barely watch any of them. When I do watch something it's either sports (the main reason I love having cable), shows like The Great British Baking Show, or animal shows.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop over at my blog and take a read:

    1. Thanks! I only have basic over the air channels over the tv, but Netflix provides a fair bit of what I do watch. :)

      Check out my TTT

  6. I'm hoping to watch Ragnarok soon! A friend recommended it to me.

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I hope we'll both enjoy it!

  7. I haven't watched any of these bit Marianne sounds great!

  8. I both love and hate this topic because, oh my gosh, what fantastic-looking international shows! But also ... oh my gosh ... what fantastic-looking international shows and I have no free time. D:

    I hadn't heard of most of these, but I'm going to have to add them to a must-watch list. Arthdal Chronicles looks like it's going to be great. I DEFINITELY need to watch Norsemen.

    1. I hope we'll both like them, whenever we get there!

  9. Looks interesting - hopefully it doesn't cut into your reading time :-)

  10. Vagabond looks good, almost make me want to subscribe to netflix. I watch most of my korean dramas at Viki.

    Thank you for dropping by my blog. Have a lovely day.

    1. They've got some pretty good Korean shows on there. I might have to look into Viki.

      Thanks for visiting mine as well, lissa.

  11. I have to say that I love this TTT theme much more than this week's. And I'm a huge Korean drama addict, so Netflix is my favorite haunt for those. I'd recommend Secret Forest (also called Stranger) for both Seasons 1 and 2 -- it's a really good mystery/ political thriller. And for myself, I am picking up Invisible City from this list, thanks for the rec!

    1. I've found some really great Korean shows and movies - and Netflix has so many to choose from. I'm adding Stranger to my watchlist right now! Have you watched Tunnel? It's a sci-fi/ time travel detective show that's based on the same case as Memories of Murder.

  12. I've been meaning to watch Luna Nera too. I think I've seen the pilot just?

  13. I don't know any of these... Not quite sure what Netflix availability we actually have here in SA, maybe I should try to find out a bit!

  14. Ooo these all sound so good. I haven't finished Vagabond, but it's great!

  15. All of these are new to me but they sound really good so I can see why you want to watch them. :)


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