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Top Ten Tuesday: Horror TV Shows 2021

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a Halloween Freebie, so I thought I'd feature some Horror TV Shows that I've started watching to get into the Halloween Spirit this year, and those that I want to try.  I'll have started in on these at the beginning of the month to get in the Halloween spirit.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

Started Watching:

American Horror Story: Cult - I haven't had the best luck with the more recent seasons of this series, but I'm liking this season well enough so far.  It's all the creepier for still being so timely.  I have to say though that I really wish Tim Kang had a larger role.

Black Summer - I only ended up watching the first episode before I decided to move on to something else.  It just wasn't working for me.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - I was really looking forward to this series, but after about three episodes I realized I wasn't all that interested anymore.  I couldn't get into it.  I wasn't a fan of the blurry effect - that really bugged me.  It was good to see Richard Coyle again though.

Nightflyers - This ended up being another one I passed on.  I liked the idea and the visual style of this one, but the characters started to grate on my nerves pretty quickly.

Van Helsing - I've only watched the first couple of episodes so far, but I think I'm going to enjoy this one quite a bit.  I think I'm lucky to have five seasons to work through.

Wynona Earp - Of all of the shows I've watched so far this month, I'm partway through the first season, but I think this one is one is going to be my favorite.  I'm glad I've got so many more episodes to go!

On My Watchlist:

Hemlock Grove



The Returned (2012)

Have you watched any of these shows?  What are some of your favorite horror tv series?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. all of these have been on my to watch list for a while.

    my post:

    1. I hope you get to see them soon. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Kelly!

  2. I don't mind reading scary books all that much, but I don't like watching scary movies or stories. My husband does though and I will pass your list on to him.

    Happy Halloween and here's my Ten Pets you can get at Stephen King's Pet Shop

  3. Thanks for a great Halloween reclist, Lauren! I have watched the French version of The Returned, but only that first season ("The Revenants") and that was good but pretty spine-chilling. But wait, there's a movie out there on Nos4A2? That book was such a sensation when it was first released! Not that I ever read it... *shivers*.

    1. I need to watch that French version as well. Yes, Nos4A2 became a tv adaptation and it sounds pretty cool.

  4. I watched the first season of Sabrina before realizing that I am not the target audience lol.

  5. i've seen some wynona earp and enjoyed it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. Great list! I really enjoyed NOS4R2 - I keep meaning to watch the adaptation. Sorry to hear Black Summer didn't work for you, it's one I've been meaning to try!

  7. Sabrina is the only one from your list that I've started watching and like you, I lost interest in it after a few episodes. I've heard really good things about Wynonna Earp though so I'm glad to hear you're enjoying that one. :)

  8. Oh my gosh I liked the Returned a LOT. So eerie. Nightflyers didn't work for me either. I did like Black Summer but mostly the first season- the second season was boring for long stretches.

  9. My favorite horror tv series will probably always be The Haunting of Hill House. I watched Midnight Mass earlier this month and just started Chucky.

    1. Mike Flanagan has really been hitting it out of the park with his shows. I can't wait to see what he does next.

  10. I have some of these on my to watch list, but I did enjoy Wynona Earp! I know there are other scary ones I've watched, but my mind is a blank right now. Oh wait, The Fades was a British ghost series that was pretty cool.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  11. I remember Cult! I recently watched YOU and Squid Game. Both of them are pretty terrifying!

    1. Squid Game was fantastic and I'm looking forward to trying You season 3.

  12. I loved the first season of Wynona Earp but I really need to watch the rest.

  13. I've never watched any of these, but I'm one of those odd people who gets bad dreams when she watches scary things. Who knew there were so many horror tv shows?! Thanks for sharing these.

  14. Some of these look like shows I would like, but I have not had a television for a couple years now. Great list!

  15. I just recently watched the sweet Sabrina TV show and having seen that, and reading about the more recent one, I think I'll just stick with the 90s version. :) Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week, Lauren.

  16. I LOVE NOS4A2! :) They did a great job!


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