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Wyrd & Wonder 2023 - Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recommended Fantasy Novels To You Or By You

Happy Tuesday everyone!  In honor of Wyrd & Wonder 2023 (a month long celebration of all things fantasy co-hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place, imyril @ There’s Always Room For One More, Ariana @ The Book Nook, Annemieke @ A Dance With Books, and Jorie @ Jorie Loves A Story with artwork by astromoali),Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl will be fantasy themed each week this month.  This week I'm featuring my Most Recommended Fantasy Novels To You Or By You.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order:

To You:

Daughter of the Forest (Sevenwaters #1) by Juliet Marillier - From the amount of times I've had this classic series opener recommended to me, it sounds like it would be perfect for me.  

The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima - Somehow I missed this back when it was new, but it sounds like a must read the more and more I hear about it.

The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Girl of Fire and Thorns #1) by Rae Carson - This is another YA series opener that I missed originally, but I need to pick it up after all of the times it's been recommended to me.

Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore - Again, I missed this series too, but it sounds like I absolutely ought to read it one of these days.

Poison Study (Study #1) by Maria V. Synder - I'm starting to see similarities here - I missed this one too somehow and I've been told that it's a great series.  One of these days I'll get there!

By You:

A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab - This is easily one of my favorites and honestly I'll recommend pretty much everything this author has ever written. 

Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Fonda Lee - I could easily put this entire series on this list and not think twice, but I thought I'd share the spotlight with some other more than worthy books!

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke - I love this especially on audiobook and I can't recommend it enough.  If you love historical fantasy with stunning world-building and fascinating characters, and creepy, tricky, and dangerous fairies, I can't recommend this enough.  By the way, the tv miniseries adaptation is also awesome. 

Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert - This was one of my favorites of 2022.  If you haven't read this yet, you're really missing out!

Titanshade (The Carter Archives #1) by Dan Stout - This entire series is a real hidden gem.  If you like your urban fantasy with a dash of '70s noir, you can't miss it!  Plus, just look at that awesome cover!

Have you read or recommended any of these books?  What are some of your most recommended books?  Are you taking part in Wyrd & Wonder this year?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Let me add to the no. of people who've recommended Daught of the Forest to you! And I'll take you up on that recommendation for Our Crooked Hearts, it has been on my TBR since last Halloween...

  2. I've been told to read Dr. Strange before. Gotta make time......

    My TTT is here.

  3. I really need to get Crooked Hearts :)

  4. I'm not much for fantasy, but I've seen many of these recommended widely as well. Makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something... ;)

    Happy TTT!

  5. I've actually read Poison Study twice, many years apart, but always meant to actually continue the series. Titan Shade looks like a lot of fun, so I'll check that out :)

  6. This is an awesome list😁 I've read and love six of these, edoecially Our Crooked Hearts!

  7. I'm constantly recommending A Darker Shade of Magic and pretty much all of VE Schwab's books to anyone who will listen!
    My TTT:

  8. I loved Darker Shade of Magic and Jonathan Strange. I haven't heard of a lot of these so I'll be checking them out. Graceling has been on my TBR for a long time.


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