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Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Will Make Me NOT Want To Read A Book

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Things That Will Make Me NOT Want To Read A Book.  Here are some things that I'm not a fan of:

Too Much Romance - I've never been a fan of when romance over takes the plot.  Basically, the less romance the better in my opinion.

Forbidden love - Sometimes this can work if done well, but often times the forbidden love takes over the plot.

Instalove - Please, get to know each other for at least more than 10 pages before you're willing to die for one another.

New Adult - Although, I'm closer in age to New Adult characters than Young Adult characters, I still prefer YA.  Too much of the NA books I've read feature a little too much of the first three elements on this list.

"The Next Twilight" - It could just be the next super hyped up book, but being compared to the Twilight Saga dings it in my opinion although it could still be a great read in the end.

Special Snowflake Syndrome, aka The Chosen One - Obviously, this can be one of my favorite things since I just love Harry Potter, but sometimes it can just be too much of the same old thing.  I like seeing that trope subverted - a great example is The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness.

Sports - Yeah, I only really care about Quidditch... (and fencing, I like that too).

Cozy mysteries - Overall, I definitely prefer something a little more complex, hard-boiled and/ or noirish.

Westerns - By this I mean, the stereotypical western - but I do like the genre with a steampunk or fantasy flavor.

Novels in verse - I like mixed media and alternate formats, but I have a harder time connecting with (or figuring out) novels in verse.

What makes you automatically not want to read a book?  Do we share anything, or are any of my peeves some of your favorites?  As always thanks for visiting my blog and for perhaps commenting below!


  1. I read a lot of westerns as a kid. LOTS of them. They were basically all that was around. I don't remember a single one of them; that is how unique they weren't.

    1. I understand that - when it comes to western books. I can remember western movies easier, but they always seemed to start to blend together too - especially ones featuring John Wayne.

      Thanks for coming over, Nathan!

  2. I'll confess, I love the cozy mystery genre. But I have my fix of that more in BBC TV shows than books. :)

    That said, UGH! Insta-Love BE GONE! :/

    1. I actually prefer cozy mysteries on tv than in book format, but I just can't resist a tough wise guy hard-boiled P.I. :)


  3. The only novels in verse I like are ones where the poetry is really good. If the poetry isn't special, what is the point.

  4. Great list Lauren! I can agree with so many of your points. I'm not interested in Sports reads at all...

    1. Whenever someone wants to talk football or basketball with me or whatever, I just give them blank looks... :)

  5. Oh I love that first one. "They're kissing again" so classic lol. Instalove I have trouble with too. And yeah westerns- not really interested although you're right, a fantasy or steampunk take- THEN I might be interested!

    1. Oh yes! :D

      Fantasy and steampunk elements in a western can be pretty fun for the ones I've tried. :)

  6. Ooh nice list :)
    Totally agree with NA, it all seems so romance orientated and it's hard to find it without.
    Cora |

  7. As far as I am concerned, there is never too much romance, but I am a solid contemporary romance reader. I read a lot of YA for the blog I contribute too, but my guilty pleasures are my romance novels. What can I say? I am a cliche. I enjoyed reading your list, though. The gifs were perfect.
    Sam @ WLABB

  8. Great list. I didn't know that publishers, or whoever, still compared books to Twilight.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  9. I don't like cozy mysteries or westerns either. I haven't seen a lot of other people mention them today, so kudos for that!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I haven't noticed them make many lists either... yay uniqueness! :)

      Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great list, Lauren! I'm more tolerant of romance than I once was, but, unless it is a romance, I prefer the romance stay in the background. Especially in mysteries. I'm not a huge fan of insta-love either. I confess I'm still resistant to the New Adult label. I try not to dismiss a book outright when I see it with that label, but I often do.

    Of your list, two are categories I do like to read: cozies (although I have read many that are just lukewarm for me) and novels in verse.

    I hope you have a great rest of the week, Lauren! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Exactly! I try not to be dismissive, but I guess I only have so much time to read the books I'm interested in. Anyway, thanks for coming over!

  11. I used to love Western and watched a lot of films with my father as a kid, then I outgrew them. Cozy mysteries, sometimes I pick one up as a snack when I'm tired or stressed out but it's not my favourite either.

    1. My dad is a huge tv and movie western fan - I'm only really a fan of Wild Wild West which is extremely action packed and has some cool steampunk elements in it.

  12. i definitely agree with most of these. I've tried the New Adult category and I just want slap most of the characters. Twilight was definitely hard for me stomach too.

    1. I feel you - I definitely want to slap some sense into some of them too.

  13. Great list! I don't think that a novel written in verse would work well for me either.

  14. I agree with so many of these! The first five are just like everything I hate about some YA that is out there. Overwrought romance is just overall annoying. And I hear you on the Chosen One thing. I generally like it but it can get very played out. Plus, yes to subverting that tropes. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  15. I couldn't agree more about New Adult utilizing the first three points on your list. It's so hard to find decent New Adult. I love all of your gifs :)

    My TTT.

  16. I have no been able to get into NA books at all. I really can't put my finger on why, but most of them turn me off. Maybe down the line I'll try again. I'd like to see more fantasy NA books.

  17. I used to read a lot of westerns as a kid because my dad did. Thanks for bringing some good memories to mind.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  18. Ah I can't believe I forgot to mention instalove on my list! That's a great one, I hate instalove with a passion.

    1. Haha! It can really set your teeth on edge, can't it!

      Thanks for sharing, Jess.

  19. "I only care about Quidditch" - ha ha ha! I'm with you on sports books. Not my thing. And cozy mysteries are usually too cheesy and unrealistic to be enjoyable for me. I do like a good novel-in-verse, which is sort of weird considering I really don't do poetry.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  20. While I do enjoy a good NA novel every once and a while, I agree with you: there aren't that many serious NA novels out there! And I don't know if it's a secret requirement of NA but I wish there was an NA book that didn't focus entirely on romance and there were more subgenres developed like in YA. Lovely list, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  21. Yes. Yes and YES! Especially to the insta love one - that just drives me insane! Love at first sight is just not realistic.
    - Marian

  22. I agree with you totally on sports and western. Those are a pass for me lol.

  23. haha there are a few on your list that is one my "love" list. lol! I can't stand insta-love or westerns tho!


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