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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn't Get To

Happy Tuesday and Happy New Year!  I can't believe it's already 2018!  Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books I Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn't Get To.  Most of these are books that I'm waiting for the audio book hold to finally come in on - I've been on hold for some of them for ages!  Hopefully I will be able to start listening soon!

Blue Tide by Jenna-Lynne Duncan

A Poison Dark and Drowning by Jessica Cluess - This hold actually just came in!

Wicked Like A Wildfire by Lana Popovic

What books are you still hoping to get to from last year?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Tricia's books are among those I would still like to read, and as I did enjoy Jessica Cluess' first novel (in this series), at some point I should read the follow up book!! One has to discover what comes next... although I am realizing at this point I may need to re-read book one. :D

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren - hope you're doing well. :)

    1. I'm really liking Cluess's sequel so far! :)

      Thanks for coming over to my blog as well, Rissi!

  2. I have only heard of The Pirate King's Daughter series from your list, I really want to read that series too.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I hope we'll both enjoy it when we get there. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Marie.

  3. Blue Tide looks interesting. And seems like I've seen good reviews for final Girls, that's one I may want to read as well.

    The Love Interest kinda looks good too.

  4. Pirate King was a top read for me. So. Much. Fun. Wicked was beautifully written and the magic was pretty cool too. I am looking forward to the sequel. I loved Spellbook. Fowley-Doyle is a must read for me now.

  5. The Strange Case of the Alchemists Daughter was SO GOOD. Definitely get to that if you can.

  6. Great list! I enjoyed Final Girls a lot, I think it's being adapted into a movie at some point in future so I definitely recommend giving it a try. =)

    1. I didn't realize that! I'm still far down the wait list for it!

  7. Dear Martin was a very good book. I hope you like it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  8. I want to read Dear Martin, too. But I haven't actually added it to my TBR list yet.

  9. Dear Martin is amazing! I hope you read it soon. I wish it had as much attention as The Hate U Give. I also really enjoyed Spellbook of the Lost and Found.
    Here's my TTT: ��

  10. Great list! The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter sounds so good!

    1. I know right! I've heard a lot of fantastic things about it!

  11. I read Daughter of The Pirate King last year and really enjoyed it, I hope you do too!
    My TTT:

  12. Dear Martin is on my TBR list, too. I hope you get a chance to read (or listen to) all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. A few of these are still on my TBR! But ooh! I think you're going to enjoy Final Girls! I loved that one! :)

  14. Yes Dear Martin is awesome. It was my last 2017 read. I didn't like Final Girls but lots of others liked it. Hope you find time for these.

  15. I also want to read The Love Interest! I don't know if Spellbook of the Lost and Found is on my to-read list, but I recently bought a copy of the author's other book The Accident Season, which I've wanted for a while

    1. The Accident Season was fantastic - I hope you enjoy it.

  16. I want to read many of these too. Dear Martin is on my wish list as are many of the others you've listed. I hope you get to read them all, Lauren!

  17. Dear Martin and Daughter of the Pirate King are two books I wanted to get to as well! The longer I'm a part of the book community the more behind I get! LOL


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