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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wish Had Less Kissing In Them

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books I Wish Had (More/Less) X In Them - I'm going to do my list on books that I wish had less kissing in them.  Here we go, in alphabetical order:

Black City by Elizabeth Richards - This was a good read until the forbidden instalove took over.

Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick - Yeah, Britt definitely has Stockholm Syndrome whether she wants to admit it or not.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - Great paranormal hook, but it slowed down and turned into a full blown romance novel. Matthew became an adult Edward from Twilight and Diana got dumber as the story progressed.

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick - I just don't get the appeal, at all.  Patch, boyfriend material? No, thanks.

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows - This was a promising reincarnation mystery, until the main character got sidetracked by instalove.

The 100 by Kass Morgan - I know the show isn't perfect, but in comparison to the book it looks like a masterpiece.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - I would have preferred a little more time travelling adventre, a little less graphic Romance (with a capital R).

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken - Too bad the instalove between Etta and Nicholas felt forced - and they didn't have a whole lot of chemistry together either.

The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury - The forbidden instalove overpowered this one for me unfortunately even though the main concept sounded right up my alley.

Thief of Lies by Brenda Drake - I would have preferred more library hopping and less kissing when it came to this one.

Have you read any of these books?  What books would you prefer to have less kissing in them?  Thanks, as always, for visiting my blog!


  1. I hate it when books have an overload of romance in it, which only distracts from the story that is interesting. I'm currently reading a book (Sequence by Lorraine M.L.M) that has way too much romance in it (instalove, soulmate-stuff and clingyness and possibly also a love-triangle) just ARGH STOP IT.
    Great list!

    1. I know how you feel there!

      Thanks for coming over, Lia!

  2. I am totally on board with you for less romance in some books. I actually haven't read any of these so I may have to check them out. I actually did not do a TTT because I honestly couldn't think of a topic this week to write about. I'm taking a break today. Lol. Have a great day and awesome post!

    1. Basically, I'm all for less kissing and more adventure! :)

      Thanks, Bill!

  3. Great post. I enjoyed your take on the books. I think sometimes authors do get a bit carried away.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

    1. Sometimes they sure do...

      Thanks for sharing, Sherry!

  4. Ooo LESS romance? I'm a pretty big romance junkie (unless it's at an inopportune moment), so I can't relate. :p

    Although I have tried to finish Incarnate three times and I can't because of the instalove. Rawr.

    1. The instalove is what gets me the most... sometimes it's alright if it's done well, though.

      Incarnate sounded like it had so much potential, didn't it.

  5. I was actually thinking of all the books I wish had more kissing (or some) but I never put a list together this week.

    1. I would have liked to have seen the books you had come up with, Anne. :)

  6. Ugh yes, the world is a better place without instalove. I don't mind romance in books in the romance genre but in books that have other, more important things going on? Not so much. I agree with you on The 100. The books are very meh feeling and, you're right, the romance scenes were a little much. The show, though, is awesome!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  7. I've kinda heard that about the 100. I have to say I'm curious how the relationships differ in the book vs the show.

    1. The romance elements in the book just didn't make that much sense to me...

  8. Most of the books on your list are on my TBR, now I'm curious to read them. LOL

    1. Haha! I'm interested to see what you think of them then. :)

  9. I don't know these ones, but you've put me right off - I almost always hate instalove, and generally prefer books that have less kissing!

    1. I guess I'm saving you time. :)

      Thanks for visiting!

  10. Yup, instalove turns me off immediately. Sighs. They really do look good on the surface, I have to admit.

  11. Fun post!!! Yeah the dreaded instalove can be annoying a book.

  12. As much as I enjoy the Discovery of Witches books I kind of agree that Matthew became more domineering (especially in book 2, but to be fair, they were trapped in the past). I like so many of the side characters- I would kill for a book of just Gallowglass or Hamish- and could have done less with the dramatic love story. Of course, I'll totally read the new book coming out this year.

    1. Yes, now that could be interesting!

      I hope you'll like it! :)

  13. I like our kind of opposite lists this week. I've only read Discovery of Witches from this list and was fine with the smooching in that book - although the series got worst in future books (at least in terms of the main relationship!)

    1. Probably a good thing I plan on skipping them, I guess... :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. Hi! Less kissing??? Nooooo lol. But I know what you mean. Sometimes the kissing shouldn't be more important than the plot. (Wait, did I just say that???) :)
    My TTT

    1. Haha! :) I'd prefer it didn't overpower the rest of the story myself!

  15. LESS Kissing?!? I'm not sure I can support this ;)

  16. Hear, hear. Some books feel like they're just over-stuffed with kissing for the fannish moments, rather than because it's a natural thing to include.

  17. *Less* kissing, interesting... I think I see your point about Passenger (though I LOVED the romance in Wayfarer). I've heard the same thing you said about Incarnate (the insta-love). I liked the romance in the Black City series a lot, heh.

    I'm a huge adult romance fan so I'm always on board with more kissing - most of the time. Sometimes, in non-romance novels, insta-love or a romance gets in the way. It's not always necessary (in non-romance novels)!

    Great post, Lauren! Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! I'm glad to hear that about Wayfarer.

  18. I can't stand romance in Fantasy or romance novels being marketed as fantasy. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Nice to see I am not alone! I am on a quest to read more YA fantasy with no romance/love triangles, the book I'm currently reading is quite awesome, with great worldbuilding, magic, badass warrior girls and absolutely no romance.

    Leona @ Leona's Blog of Shadows

  19. I have thoughts!

    A Discovery of Witches--I really enjoyed it and was getting into the whole story until the romance story took over the whole thing. I grudge read the final tow books in the series last year hoping the romance would go away. It didn't. 8-(

    Outlander--it moves into being a full on adventure series (so Ive been told) half way through book 3. So maybe skim read book two and book three until the adventure starts? Ive only read to book 4 and that was years ago, so I'm thinking of rereading 4 and see if I want to continue the books.

    1. Thoughts are good! :)

      That's too bad about the other Discovery of Witches books - so much potential there.

      I'm glad to hear that about Outlander - maybe I'll get there one of these days. For now I may stick with the tv show.

  20. Have I told you how much I hate Hush, Hush? I know we bonded over both disliking Shatter Me, but Hush, Hush is the one book I wouldn't mind burning. Also agree with Passenger and The Sin Eater's Daughter.

  21. Great list, Lauren! I guess I will avoid reading The 100. I've seen the first two episodes of the show and it's addicting. I'm not sure I'd count it as a favorite though.

    1. I'm glad you're liking the show - it definitely improves. :)

  22. Uh-oh! I spy TWO books on this list (Incarnate and Passenger) that I plan to read. Hope that insta love doesn't ruin the experience. :)

    Thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland. :)

  23. I don't like too much romance either, it makes me cringe!

  24. You're very right there. I'd prefer something subtle and slowburn myself.

  25. A Discovery of Witches--I really enjoyed it and was getting into the whole story until the romance story took over the whole thing.


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