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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TV Couples

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's topic is All About Romance Tropes/Types -- top ten favorite hate-to-love romances (from books or movies or tv), top ten favorite (or least favorite) instalove romances, favorite slow-burn romances, favorite starcrossed lovers, etc. etc. Can go so many ways with this one).  I'm doing my list on my favorite tv couples.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by name of the tv show:

Willow and Tara - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Amy and Rory - Doctor Who

Matthew and Mary - Downton Abbey

Sawyer and Juliet - Lost

Mitchell and Cameron - Modern Family

Jim and Pam - The Office

Hook and Emma - Once Upon a Time

Claire and Jamie - Outlander

Homer and Marge - The Simpsons

Glenn and Maggie - The Walking Dead

Do you like any of these couples?  What tv couple is your favorite?  Thanks as always for visiting my blog, and perhaps even commenting!


  1. I had a hard time coming up with a topic for today, but I sure do love yours. Willow and Tara definitely would make my favorite TV couple list. And Rory and Amy--love them so much! Glenn and Maggie! I so miss Glenn. :-(

  2. Two of your choices gave me feels and now I am sad.

  3. I love Rory and Amy, too. Think how long he waited to get back with her? Ah. An eternal love. My TTT

    1. They're easily my favorite couple of that show. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Anne!

  4. Glenn and Maggie are awesome. I miss that time on the farm... and Homer and Marge lol. :)

  5. Aw, I love Cam and Mitch :) I think Claire and Phil are my favourite modern family couple though!

    My TT:

    1. It was a really close call for me - hard to choose between the two! Thanks for sharing!

  6. OMG. I just realised on my own list? I forgot Willow and Tara. And MATTHEW AND MARY. MY HEART! And Amy and Rory... I'm almost tempted to edit but I think if I give in my list will grow to have 57 entries, haha! Great list!

    1. It was really hard to narrow it down to just ten this week wasn't it! Thanks for visiting, Olivia! :)

  7. *grabs tissue* Oh Mary and Matthew! Why'd it have to end??

    I missed out on Buffy back-in-the-day (I lived in the country and we didn't have cable). I really, really need to binge watch it and see what I missed!

    1. I know!

      I didn't grow up with cable, but I started in on later and got hooked! I hope you'll love it!

  8. Such a cute list! Amy/Rory was one of the few reasons I watch Dr. Who (my husband is a fan). Mary/Matthew makes my heart burst - I know Dan Stevens wanted to pursue other things, but come on, they had finally gotten together! They had so little time!

    1. I was so broken up about Mary and Matthew...

      Thanks for coming over, Angela!

  9. Oh man, Willow/Tara and Maggie/Glenn <3 <3 Love them both so much! Great list!

  10. I have to go with Hook & Emma as well as Homer & Marge. I love both of these couples. I'm just getting into Doctor Who some so I'll have to watch out for Amy & Rory. Great list!!

    1. Amy and Rory are first introduced in series five with Matt Smith as the Doctor - I hope you like watching!

  11. Matthew and Mary! Jamie and Claire! Those couples mend and break my heart.

  12. Great post to share for Valentine's. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  13. Yes! Willow and Tara, Hook and Emma, and Glenn and Maggie! <3 I love those couples.


  14. Great list! Matthew and Mary :)

    My TTT

  15. I think my first official ship was Jim and Pam. I loved them so much. And Hook and Emma! I'm so glad we got to see that ship develop. Great picks! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's!

    1. I was really pleased to see Hook and Emma happen too! Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Alicia!

  16. Great list! Jamie and Claire top my list.

  17. Awww... Homer and Marge. Willow and Tara were really great together..*sniff*...I miss that show! I think one I'd add is Veronica and Logan from Veronica Mars.

    1. I know right! I really need to try Veronica Mars... :)

  18. Amy and Rory are one of my all time favorite couples!;)

  19. Willow and Tara! Hook and Emma! Matthew and Mary! Mitch and Cam! Homer and Marge! All my faves! (to be honest, all the married couples on Modern Family are pretty amazing)
    I love this list.

    Thanks for stopping by So We Read This Book.

    1. Very true about Modern Family!

      Thanks for visiting my blog as well, Gabrielle. :)

  20. Ah, yes, Matthew and Mary from Downton. Perfect.

    1. It just wouldn't be right to not have them on my list!

  21. Aww man, Matthew and Mary... My heart just broke :(
    Fantastic list!

    1. Mine did too while making my list...

      Thanks for coming over!

  22. Love Hook and Emma! And Claire and Jamie.
    My TTT:

  23. Awwww Amy and Rory! I love those two. They were probably one of my favorite Doctor companions in the series. And Claire and Jaime! I've been bingeing the second season of Outlander the past few days, mostly because I have a free week of Starz to take advantage of, haha.

    1. I know, right! :) I'm still waiting on season two to come in for me at the library for OUtlander!


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