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Killing Time (Physics, Lust and Greed Series # 3) by Mike Murphey (ARC) - Review

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I received an ARC from Reedsy Discovery in exchange for an honest review.

At every crossroads he's encountered in life, Sean Brody has made the save choice. In the year 2046, at the age of ninety-three, Sean is given one final opportunity to deal with his greatest regret. Sean is the only person Marshall Grissom and Mata Hamilton can find who might be able to save Sheila Schuler, their friend and fellow traveler lost in the distant reaches of time. If he accepts the task of traveling to his childhood in a parallel universe--with no guarantee that any aspect of the past can be changed, Sean must also accept his death in the only world he knows.
I'm so glad I decided to stick with the Physics, Lust and Greed series by Mike Murphey as it has become available via Reedsy Discovery. The first book in the series, Taking Time, was a solid time travel sci-fi novel and its successor, Wasting Time, was a good follow up. Of those two, I definitely preferred the second book. The elements I enjoyed became stronger and what I didn't care for as much were minimized in comparison. As for this newest third volume of the series, it is easily my favorite of all three. It has certainly earned all four of the five stars it has been awarded. For me the series has really just begun to hit its stride and stand out from the pack. This time around Murphey's world pulled me in, held my attention, and let me speed right along from beginning to end.

You may think that three books into a series is a little too long to stay with a series that hasn't quite hooked you as much as you would prefer when keeping up with a series. Normally, that would be the case with me, but there have been enough overall positives that kept me coming back for more. Luckily, those positives pay off here in a big way. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I can't resist a good time travel story. It's complex and just chaotic enough so you can't look away. The author really did a great job with his cast of characters. As much as I enjoy everything about time travel, his cast really hold the novel together. Sean himself was my favorite to follow this time around. Everyone is quite well-drawn and it seems like the more often I see them, the more attached I become to them.

Overall, Killing Time (Physics, Lust and Greed #3) by Mike Murphey is the high point of the series thus far. The time travel elements, the characters, and the world-building have all come together really well here for the first time during my reading experience. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what this author will do next in the future. Thanks again for this opportunity, Reedsy Discovery.

My review is also available via Reedsy Discovery and Goodreads.


  1. I haven't read much on time travel - Time Traveler's Wife, A Wrinkle in Time, Outlander and Prisoner of Azkaban (of course). This one looks like a strong time travel entry, though it's a series and that makes me wary. If you have any specific standalone rec, always up for it!

    1. I loved All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill as a standalone YA time travel novel. I hope you enjoy it if you get the chance to pick it up!

  2. I love time travel stories too, and I really love when a series gets stronger with each new book!

  3. It's been a long time since I read time travel. I do love them and this sounds good.

    1. The series is definitely worth a try if you're into that, Yvonne.


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