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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Quotes From The Dresden Files

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Book Quotes That Fit X Theme - I'm specifically sharing some of my favorite quotes from The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.  Here we go, in series order:

“There is no truer gauge of a man's character than the way in which he employs his strength, his power.”

“It's all right to be afraid. You just don't let it stop you from doing your job.”
Fool Moon

“Life would be unbearably dull if we had answers to all our questions.”
Death Masks

“Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference.”

“I don't care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching--they are your family.”
Proven Guilty

“Knowledge is the ultimate weapon. It always has been.”
White Night

“Many things are not as they seem: The worst things in life never are.”
White Night

“Hope is a force of nature. Don't let anyone tell you different.”

“People have far more power than they realize, if they would only choose to use it.”
Side Jobs

“Fear is a prison. But when you combine it with secrets, it becomes especially toxic, vicious. It puts us all into solitary, unable to hear one another clearly.”
Peace Talks

Have you read any of this series?  What are some of your favorite quotes?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. "Hope is a force of nature." Great one. I think quotes are my favorite topics on Top Ten Tuesday. My quote topic this week is TREES

  2. I'm all for found families, so Proven Guilty says it just right! I've wondered whether to pick up Dresden files for a long time now, because you know, Urban Fantasy is awesome. The quotes make me think this would be a good idea after all. :-)

    1. It's one of my all time favorite series. I hope you enjoy if you do!

  3. I've never read this series, but I've heard good things about it. These quotes are awesome!

    Happy TTT!


  4. These are powerful quotes. I like this one:
    “Knowledge is the ultimate weapon.”
    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.

  5. These are some fun quotes! I think I got as far as book four in this series before I stopped reading.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week!


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