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Future Threat by Elizabeth Briggs - Blog Tour, Review, + Giveaway

I'm very excited today to welcome you all to my leg of the Future Threat by Elizabeth Briggs Blog Tour, hosted by Rockstar Book Tours! Below you will find the details and summary of the book, my review of the novel, an about the author, Elizabeth Briggs, a giveaway, and the blog tour schedule. Thanks for visiting my stop on Future Threat Blog Tour!

About the Book: 
Author: Elizabeth Briggs 
Pub. Date: March 1, 2017 
Publisher: AW Teen 
Pages: 272 
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook 
Six months ago Aether Corporation sent Elena, Adam, and three other recruits on a trip to the future where they brought back secret information--but not everyone made it back to the present alive. Now Elena's dealing with her survivor's guilt and trying to make her relationship with Adam work. All she knows for sure is that she's done with time travel and Aether Corporation. But Aether's not done with her--or Adam, or fellow survivor Chris. The travelers on Aether's latest mission to the future have gone missing, and Elena and her friends are drafted into the rescue effort. They arrive in a future that's amazingly advanced, thanks to Aether Corporation's reverse-engineered technology. The mission has deadly consequences, though, and they return to the future to try to alter the course of events. But the future is different yet again. Now every trip through time reveals new complications, and more lives lost--or never born. Elena and Adam must risk everything--including their relationship--to save their friends. The second book in the New York Times bestselling Future Shock trilogy.

My Review:

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As soon as I realized that Rockstar Book Tours was hosting a blog tour of Future Threat by Elizabeth Briggs, I knew I had to take part based on how much I enjoyed last year's Future Shock, book one in the series.  (You can see my review for that novel here, if you're interested.)  I'm tickled that I got the opportunity to read this ARC of Future Threat via NetGalley for this blog tour - and it didn't let me down at all.

Elena, Adam, and Chris are dealing the best they can with the aftermath of their last Aether mission six months ago.  As far as they're concerned they're done with Aether and time travel, but Aether isn't done with them.  They're forcibly recruited to rescue the missing members of another Aether time travel team.  When they arrive thirty years in the future, it's much different and more advanced than the future they remember due to Aether reverse engineering tech brought back by the other time travel team.  Unfortunately, the rescue mission goes south and they have to go back to the future again to try to make things right.  They quickly realize that the future they go back to is different yet again with an all new set of consequences.  If they want to save lives, they're going to have to master a steep learning curve.

Future Threat ups the stakes in some of the coolest ways from it's predecessor - in everything from the consequences to the gadgets.  Just in case you've forgotten anything from book one, the author gives us a concise recap via our narrator, Elena, and we learn just how much her previous time travel experience has affected her life.  We see how her relationship with Adam has developed as well as her friendship with Chris, her survivor's guilt, and her determination to make the most of whatever the future may throw at her.  I particularly enjoyed seeing just how far our core cast has come since they were first introduced.  As much as I liked getting to know more about Elena and Adam, I was hoping that we would get to know Chris just a little more.  A good chunk of the story revolves around him after all.

If you've followed my blog at all, you'll know that time travel is one of my favorite things, but it can be tricky to do right.  Luckily, the time travel here is done well.  It gets pretty complex in this installment yet for the most part it isn't too difficult to keep up with what's going on at any given time.  That being said, sometimes the story does feel a little overstuffed with all of the goings-on.  I particularly enjoyed seeing the differences between all of the possible futures that our cast visits.  It's fascinating to see what has stayed the same and what has changed.  Trying to work out what caused these changes is certainly interesting to consider as a part of the mystery.  My favorite returning future character has to be Wombat, but of course he's a bit different than how Elena and company remember him.

Overall, I highly recommend the Future Shock series by Elizabeth Briggs, especially if you enjoy Back to the Future (particularly Part II in this case) and Doctor Who.  It has so much to like from time-travel thrills, diverse characters, an intriguing mystery, a dash of romance, plenty of fast-paced action, and mind-bending twists.  Book three, Future Lost, can not come soon enough!  How am I supposed to wait until 2018 to see what happens next after that final turn?

About Elizabeth:

Elizabeth Briggs is a full-time geek who writes books for teens and adults. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in Sociology, currently mentors teens in writing, and volunteers with a dog rescue group. She's the author of the new adult Chasing The Dream series and the upcoming young adult novel Future Shock. Elizabeth lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a pack of fluffy dogs. You can connect with her online

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive finished copies of FUTURE THREAT & FUTURE SHOCK, US Only Raffle

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rafflecopter link:

Tour Schedule: 

Week One: 
2/20/2017- Andi's ABCs - Review 
2/21/2017- BookHounds YA - Interview 
2/22/2017- Fantasy Book Critic- Guest Post 
2/23/2017- With Love for Books - Review 
2/24/2017- Tales of the Ravenous Reader- Interview 

Week Two: 
2/27/2017- The Heart of a Book Blogger- Review
2/28/2017- Wishful Endings- Guest Post 
3/1/2017- Book-Keeping- Review 
3/2/2017- Two Chicks on Books- Interview 
3/3/2017- Always Me- Review


  1. It's always so hard to wait a whole year to read a sequel. I'm not very good at completing series (oops) unless they make a strong impression on me. Future Threat seems like a very well-balanced book with a bit of a lot of good things. Time travel is tricky, but it seems that Briggs handled it very well. Great review, Lauren!

    1. Yes, it really is! I know that problem myself. :)

      I'm very pleased with how it's turned out!

      Thanks for visiting, Lonna!

  2. I'm definitely going to add both books to my TBR. I actually had not heard of either until I read your post. These sound really fun to me. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Great! I'm glad I was able to pique your interest. I hope you get to try the series soon, Bill. :)

  3. I do enjoy time travel also and I think this sounds like a great series.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. Added Future Threat to my wishlist as soon as I read the blurb

    1. Yay! I don't blame you there - hope you like it! :)


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