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Top Ten Tuesday: Series I've Been Meaning To Start But Haven't

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Series I've Been Meaning To Start But Haven't.  Here we go in order of series title:

Delirium by Lauren Oliver - 3 books

The First Law by Joe Abercrombie - 3 books, and 3 stand alone books in the same world

Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore - 3 books

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman - 3 books

Inkworld by Cornelia Funke - 3 books

Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews - 9 books (so far)

The King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss - 2 books (so far) and a novella

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson - 6 books (so far)

Red Rising by Pierce Brown - 3 books

Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce - 4 books

Have you started and/ or read any of these series?  If so did you enjoy them - which would you recommend first?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and for perhaps commenting down below.


  1. I am so conflicted over Delirium. Another series, where I was happy overall, but a little disappointed in the ending. *cough, cough - Divergent* I really adored the Graceling books. The second one was the strongest for me, but they were all great. Great list. I hope you start a few of them soon.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. I know what you mean, I'm torn about it but I'd still like to try it. Thanks Sam!

  2. Great list! I haven't read the Mistborn series yet either and keep thinking I should, but I'm not sure if Sanderson's going to be for me. I loved the Inkworld books when I was younger, they still have a very special place in my heart, and I really enjoyed Delirium, too - however, I really didn't like the second two books in that series at all and I think Delirium actually works well as a standalone, that's just my opinion, though. =)

    1. Thanks, Jess! I keep hearing so many great things about it that I can't miss it. :)

  3. I've read Delirium- but that's it for this list! Delirium (first book) ends on quite a cliffhanger but after I actually finished reading the series I found myself wondering why I was so addicted to it.

  4. I've actually read a bunch of these, surprisingly! I highly recommend His Dark Materials and The Kingkiller Chronicles. I'm dying to read Mistborn! Great list:-)

    1. Thanks, Tammy! I can't wait to get my hands on them! :)

  5. I cannot recommend the Kate Daniels series enough. Those are books that I can read over and over again. I also really enjoyed the Red Rising series. Hope you get a chance to read these soon!

    1. Great to know, Carole! I can't wait to try them! :)

  6. I just read the Name of the Wind and thought it was amazing! Even though it's long it's a super quick read and it lives up the hype. Also, Red Rising is one of my favorites and can't recommend it enough. Hope you get to enjoy them all!

  7. Ooh Graceling. Never did read those. And I kinda want to read the Delirium books as I tend to like Lauren Oliver's stuff.

  8. I rarely buy books any more...though there are numerous ones I want to read. Maybe I can borrow...
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

    1. I definitely love utilizing my library, or thrift stores for my books. :)

      Thanks for visiting, Sherry!

  9. I love Inkheart so much. It's the kind of book I wish I had had around as a kid. I think I would have fallen completely in love with this world. I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  10. Ooh, there are a few series on here that I've read and loved. His Dark Materials is fantastic! My favourite in the series was The Subtle Knife, the covers are always so pretty too! The Kingkiller Chronicles is fab too. The Name of the Wind is one of my favourite books of all time now, I flew through it! Mistborn was on my list too, so snap! We will get to it eventually!

    Happy reading. ^.^

  11. I can't recommend Red Rising enough, brilliant series! I absolutely fell in love with it! Great list :)

  12. I liked the first Inkheart book but not the sequels. I read the Dark Materials trilogy but didn't enjoy it much especially books 2 and 3. I DNFed Delirium. I did read and like the first Kate Daniels book but for some reason never continued with the series which I hope to do at some point.

    1. I hope you can get back to Kate Daniels. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I keep hearing great things about Patrick Rothfuss' books. I want to read the first one and see how I like it. Also I want to read Mistborn. So many books, so little time! :)

    1. I know right! And it's so easy to get distracted! :)

  14. Read the first book in the Delirium series and stop there!

    1. Yeah, I have to agree with Amber here, the first book is great, the other two... ehhh... not so much.

  15. Replies
    1. Glad to hear you liked it! I hope I will too... :)

  16. Inkworld was on my list this week too! I read the first Graceling book and wasn't impressed, but hopefully you'll like it better.
    My TTT:

  17. Oh I loved Delirium by Lauren Oliver! I also have Name of the Wind on my TBR. I keep bumping it, but I'm hoping to get to it soon!

    1. One of these days we'll both get there - and hopefully both of us will enjoy it!

  18. I have no idea how I've missed it! I can't wait to try it!

  19. I've heard so many great things about Inkheart and the rest! One of these days I'll get there! :)


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