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Books From The Backlog - The Kingdom of Slender-Swords by Hallie Erminie Rives


Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome back to Books from the Backlog, the newer weekly linkup I'm taking part of which is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books.  This is a great way to put a spotlight on books that I've had sitting on my shelf for awhile.  I don't know when I'll get to my weekly featured book, but I hope to some time hopefully soon.

This Week's Neglected Book

The Kingdom of Slender-Swords by Hallie Erminie Rives

Published: 1910

Genre: Historical Fiction

My Copy: 

Format: Hardback

Pages: 435

Where I Acquired It: A local craft/ antique mall

Beginning (Since no official summary is available that I can find):

Chapter 1

Where the Day Begins

Barbara leaned against the palpitant rail, the light air fanning her breeze-cool cheek, her arteries beating like tiny drums, atune with the throb, throb, throb, of the steel deck as the black ocean leviathan swept on towards its harbor resting-place.

Why Did I Add It?

I've never heard of this author at all, but I study Japanese and am interested in the culture. When I spotted this at that craft/ antique mall it caught my eye.  It even has some katakana characters in this otherwise English language novel.  I'm nervous to try it, but it could be intriguing.

Have you read this thoughts or would you read it?  Would you recommend it to me?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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