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2024 Popsugar Reading Challenge - Update #11

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today I'm sharing my eleventh and final 2024 Popsugar Reading Challenge update with mini reviews!  I read 6 books this month for a total of 50 out of 50 books.  I'm pretty pleased with myself that I completed this challenge a whole month early!  Without further ado, keep reading to see my thoughts on the books I read in November:

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The Palace Job (Rouges of the Republic #1) by Patrick Weekes was a fun read and I'd like to continue the series in the future.  I will say though that I did have trouble focusing on my reading the day that I finished it.  I bet you can guess why: I finished this on November 6th, 2024.  At least, this novel did help me escape for a bit.

My review is also on Goodreads.


I've read a lot of 1 star a 5 star reviews for House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, but haven't seen a whole lot in the middle. Honestly, though, that's where I'm at. I didn't have overwhelmingly positive or negative feelings about it, but the story is unsettling and the formatting helps make it compelling. Otherwise, I could have done without the dryness academic tone and I wished I cared more about the characters and their experiences.

My review is also on Goodreads.

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I realized part of the way through The Story of My Life by Helen Keller that I'd actually read it at sometime in the past.  There's not much more to say than her story's quite inspiring.

My review is also on Goodreads.

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Out by Natsuo Kirino is quite a dark and intense thriller!  I put off reading it for quite awhile and really shouldn't have.  Now I'll have to be on the lookout for more from this author in the future. 

My review is also on Goodreads.

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The Unbroken (Magic of the Lost #1) by C.L. Clark is a new favorite.  I've seen quite a few mixed reviews for this series opener, but I absolutely loved it.  It pulled me right into the world and the characters.  I was so engrossed that I didn't want the story to end.  I highly recommend it, especially on audiobook.  The narrator, Rasha Zamamiri, does a marvelous job of bringing it all to life.  I can't wait to read the next book in the series, The Faithless.

My review is also on Goodreads.

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Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates is a great example of why I like wintery horror stories.  While I wouldn't quite say this one was my favorite of her novels I've read, it's right up there near the top.  Darcy Coates has quickly become my go to author for atmospheric horror. I'm sure I could feel the chill from this one.  If you're a fan of horror, you can't skip this.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Did you take part in this challenge?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've been meaning to pick up The Unbroken for so long. I think I've had it on monthly/seasonal TBRs several times, but have not gotten to it yet. Your thoughts have me thinking I'd really enjoy it, so I better find the time. Thanks for sharing all your thoughts! Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, Lauren!

    1. I have a feeling that you'd love it. Thanks, Alicia! I hope you have a good Thanksgiving too!

  2. I still haven't read House of Leaves! But I have read Dead of Winter and really had fun with it.

    1. I'd definitely like to know what you think of them if you do try them.


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