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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Happy Tuesday everyone!  This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is a freebie so I elected to talk about one of my favorite tv shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  This week I will be listing my favorite episodes of the show in order by season and episode number.  As there are seven seasons of excellence to choose from, this will be a bit difficult to narrow down!

"School Hard" - Season 2, Episode 3

"Halloween" - Season 2, Episode 6

"I Only Have Eyes For You" - Season 2, Episode 19

"Becoming (Parts 1 & 2)" - Season 2, Episodes 21 and 22

"The Wish"- Season 3, Episode 9

"The Zeppo" - Season 3, Episode 13

"Hush" - Season 4, Episode 10

"Doomed" - Season 4, Episode 11

"Once More With Feeling" - Season 6, Episode 7

"Tabula Rasa" - Season 6, Episode 8


"Superstar" - Season 4, Episode 17

Do  you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel?  Do you like my episode selection?  What are some of your favorites?


  1. Wow, great choices! I think I would have picked different ones, but I agree, it's hard with so many awesome episodes to choose from. Once More With Feeling would be on mine for sure:-)

    1. Thanks! My initial list was at least double the length of this one...

  2. Hooray for Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I still rewatch this series obsessively all these years later. Hush and Once More with Feeling would undoubtedly be on my list. Becoming and Tabula Rasa probably would as well. I would include The Body in my list, no question. It was sad, but it was perfection.

    My TTT!

    1. The Body was a brilliant piece of tv - it would have been my next bonus option - I'm still heart broken just thinking about it now.

  3. I love Buffy! It would be so hard to pick just 10 episodes that were a favorite. The Hush one was pretty good and the episode where they made it a musical was funny too.

  4. I've never seen Buffy myself, but two of my friends at uni were OBSESSED and were always dancing around to a song from an apparent musical episode. Always made me laugh. Hopefully I will get round to watching it at some point in my life. Good choice for TTT :)

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it! Once More With Feeling (the musical one) is awesome!

  5. Fun topic! I have never seen Buffy but I've heard I would love it. It's on my to-watch list. :)

  6. I miss that show. If only it had taken place 10 years later, we could have a Supernatural/Buffy crossover.

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I would absolutely love to see that! Dean and Buffy would make a very interesting pair... :)

  7. i have to admit (hangs head) I have never watched Buffy or Angel lol My TTT

  8. Buffy! I loved this show. And the spin-off. This list brings back great memories :)
    Here's my TTT for this week: Characters I'd like to Slap

    1. I love watching an episode every now and then! Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. Love Buffy! I think Hush is my favorite, that episode was so creepy and the Gentleman are just terrifying. Excuse me while I marathon the show...

    1. I myself was watching an episode of Angel while I was trying to decide what to do with my list this week. :) Thanks for visiting!

  10. I actually started (and finished) this series this summer! I love this series! I myself don't know what my favorite episodes are (I suck at choosing favorites), but you picked some good episodes!

    1. Woot! I have the dvds for season 1,2, 3, 4, and 6 and Angel seasons 1, 2, and 3. I need to complete my collection stat.

  11. I absolutely love Buffy!! This is such a good topic. Hush is definitely the creepiest episode! Once More With Feeling is also a favourite. I recently re-watched them all and was surprised how Dawn only annoyed me slightly - no way near the extent she annoyed me when they first aired! Great list! :D

    1. I came into it via reruns around the time it was ending. Sure Dawn's a bit annoying, but she never bothered me as much as she bothered others.


  12. Great topic and great choices! I love Buffy and reading this has made me miss it! I need to rewatch :D

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a good time rewatching it! :)

  13. I loved The Wish, Hush, Once More with Feeling and Tabula Rasa. I also loved The Body...that was so sad!

    1. That was such a difficult one to cut from my list...I probably did it because it was just so sad. TT

  14. This is a fun list :) Makes me glad that Buffy is on Netflix :p

  15. I will always love Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Great topic choice! Your post is making me want to watch it all over again, for like the millionth time. lol Spike is my favorite!

    1. He's one of my favorites too! :) Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. I love this show! I think a re-watch is in order very soon. My favorite episodes are Hush, Once More With Feeling, The Body, and Chosen.

    1. I thought about adding the last two you've put down on my list, but I had so many favorites it was difficult to narrow down! :)

  17. I love your choice, very original and wonderful.

  18. Once More with Feeling will always be my no 1, but I also really love Tabula Rasa, Hush and Doomed (I mean, when Spike is trying to stake himself. Hysterical). I mean, it's Buffy. It's always epic. Great topic, I really liked your post. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. Spike is one of my favorites! Thanks for visiting and commenting! :)

  19. I love buffy! I was really pleased with the ending of the show. My favorite episode would have to be when buffy and her sister were on top of a crane or tower. I think it was the end of one season before she became a permanent part of the family.

    1. Same here - the season 5 finale was excellent (and very emotional!). Thanks for visiting. :)

  20. This was such a great topic! I have to be honest I love buffy but I have yet to watch the show! I really need to get on that!

  21. Great topic! I'd have to say that my favourite episode of all is easily Once More With Feeling. I'm a sucker for a musical number. :D

    1. I can't resist a good one either! Thanks for commenting!

  22. Great list! I really need to go back and rewatcha lot of these. Or like... the whole series

    1. Thanks! I need to go through the whole thing start to finish too. :)

  23. What a FUN topic, Lauren. I should put something like this together (someday) just as a fun blog post, but I'd be afraid I'd not be able to keep favorite episodes (of my fave TV shows) to a reasonable number. ;D

    Thanks so much (as always) for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon.

    1. Thanks! It was so hard to narrow it down to just 11... :)

  24. I've never watched the show. >_< And isn't there a book too??! GAh. I might need to get onto this. :P
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. There was the original movie - and there were tie-in books too! :)

  25. Confession: I have never seen Buffy. But those gifs look really funny and I should finally watch it...if only german Netflix would offer it.

    1. Get right on that as soon as it's offered. :) Thanks for visiting my blog.

  26. Great post! I used to LOVE Buffy and this post brings back some memories! he he! That one, The Hush, I remember I found that really scary, lol. Just look at them!! ha ha! x

    1. That was easily my favorite gif from that episode! At least they like what they do! :)

  27. I never actually watched Buffy! It's one of those things I'll... get round to... someday.

    1. Hopefully, that someday will roll around sooner rather than later. :) Thanks for commenting!

  28. What a fun topic! I'm ashamed to say I've never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I think that's a mistake I'll have to rectify one of these days.

  29. Such a great list! I never really had the chance to get addicted to the series but I did enjoyed the episodes I've seen.


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