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Sunday Funday: Book Haul

In the past two weeks, I've come into quite a few new books - 21, as a matter of fact.  Six were purchased, one I was lucky enough to win, and fifteen were given to me.


A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab - Of all of the books I've purchased lately, this sequel is the one that I'm most excited to read!  It's predecessor, A Darker Shade of Magic, was one of the best books I read in 2015.  Maybe you've heard me talk about it.  Or, possibly the other book I've read by Schwab, Vicious.  Basically, I'm just excited to have more Schwab in my life!

Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith - This historical fiction novel was originally released in 2009, and I've had my eyes on it for quite a while.  I have no idea why I haven't picked it up before now since it covers  one of my favorite aspects of women's roles in WWII - the W.A.S.P.s, Women's Airforce Service Pilots.  When I saw it appear at Ollie's Bargain Outlet, I knew I had to snag a copy for myself.

The Yearbook by Carol Masciola - I stumbled upon this October 2015 YA release at Ollie's.  I hadn't heard of it, but as soon as I realized it deals with time travel I had to try it out.  Three dollars is a really good deal new release!

Sherlock Holmes: My Life and Crimes by Michael Hardwick - I found this one this Saturday at a new antique shop.  It's basically described as the icon's autobiography.  Honestly, how could I say no?

Southern Fire (The Aldabreshin Compass #1) by Juliet E. McKenna - I found this at that same new antique shop - it sounds like it could be the beginning of a great new-to-me epic fantasy series!


The Body Market (Leine Basso Thriller #3) by D.V. Berkom - I lucked out and won a giveaway of a signed copy of this book via Sherry @ Fundinmental.  Over on her blog, she featured a guest post by the author with a giveaway.  I haven't read the first two books in the series, but I thought the book sounded fascinating regardless.  The book also came with a bookmark and a card!  Thanks so much!  I'm really looking forward to reading it!


A Man Named Dave (Dave Pelzer #3) by Dave Pelzer - A coworker and I swap books every now and again - usually of the historical fiction and biography genres - and this is the most recent one that I have received from her.  I've read parts of A Child Called "It", but I didn't realize there was a sequel called The Lost Boy.  This is the concluding part of the trilogy - either way, it should be quite inspirational.

Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle #1) by Christopher Paolini - All of the books listed from here on out have been given to me by another coworker - both of us love to read and we have similar tastes.  She was looking to cull some of her old ones, so of course I ended up taking some off her hands.  A good deal of them are Dean Koontz novels, some of which I have read and some I have not.  This particular novel, seems like it would be right up my alley when I was in high school during its release.  For some strange reason, I've never picked it up.  I already had an old copy before she gave me this one, but mine looked like it had been run over by all 18 wheels of a semi.  Now that she's given me this clean copy, I think it's time I finally read this.

People of the Sea (North America's Forgotten Past #5) by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear - This one came with high recommendations and is probably the one I'm most eager to get to of her books.  I've seen this one around before and wanted to read it before, but now I actually have an excuse to read it.  She assured me that you do not need to read the previous installments before you dive in here.

The Face by Dean Koontz - Of the ten Dean Koontz books she gave me, I believe the follow three are the ones I'm most interested in picking up

The Bad Place by Dean Koontz

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz

She also let me have Fear Nothing, The Darkest Evening of the Year (which I'm pretty sure I've read before), Shadow Fires, Hideaway, The Door to December, Phantoms, and Strangers - all by Mr. Koontz.  I have also be gifted with Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis and Different Seasons, both of which I have greatly enjoyed in the past.

I'm so excited to dive into my new-to-me books!  Thanks again to everyone who made this possible!


  1. Oh, it must be so awesome to have co-workers who enjoy reading also!

    I'm not really into historical fiction, but Flygirl does look like it could be interesting.

    1. I mean, of course I do at the library, but it's nice to have that at the other job. :)

      I'm hoping Flygirl is as good as it sounds.

      Thanks for dropping by, Ashley!

  2. What a great haul! Your co-worker sounds lovely giving you all those books - I hope you enjoy them! I haven't read any from this post but A Darker Shade of Magic and Eragon are on my TBR :)
    Enchanted by YA

    1. I know - and I hope I do, too. :)

      I really hope you enjoy A Darker Shade of Magic - it is amazing!

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. Flygirl sounds really, really interesting! I may have to check this one out myself!


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