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Sunday Funday: Book Haul

Happy Sunday everyone!  This April I've had a pretty good new book haul!  So many great books have been released recently - I managed to win a separate author giveaway as a part of the Spring 2016 YASH, plus I got my hands on some great coupons and came across a great deal on B&  Check out the books that I have added to my collection!  

Tracked (Tracked #1) by Jenny Martin (Released May 15, 2015) - I won Tracked through Jenny Martin's separate Spring 2016 YASH giveaway.  It's billed as futuristic sci-fi for fans of The Fast and the Furious - and for some reason I have Speed Racer in the back of my mind, as well.  It's sounds like it will be lots of fun and filled with action.

Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine (Released July 7, 2015) - Just the phrase "the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time" makes me want to read this!  Plus, I picked up Ink and Bone, The Girl from Everywhere, and Rebel of the Sands on the B& 3 teen books for $30 which is a great deal for such new books!

The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl from Everywhere #1) by Heidi Heilig (Released February 16, 2016) -  Sailing ships, maps, time travel, AND travel to fictional lands?!  Yes, please!

Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands #1) by Alywn Hamilton (Released March 8, 2016) - I've heard so many great things about this that I just couldn't pass this up - I like the sound of Persian fantasy and western.

Future Shock (Future Shock #1) by Elizabeth Briggs (Released April 1, 2016) - I just can't say no to time travel.  I purchased Future Shock and Down with the Shine using various coupons and discounts at B&N.

Down with the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn (Released April 26, 2016) - I added this book to my tbr about a month ago, the moment I heard about it because, admit it, this sounds like it could be awesome - moonshine, parties, and wishes, plus a whole new meaning to the phrase "be careful what you wish for"!

The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4) by Maggie Stiefvater (Released April 26, 2016) - I absolutely had to pre-order this one on B&N and I got such a great price.  Added surprise, it arrived three days earlier on Saturday, April 23rd!  I'm beyond excited to read this, but I'm so very nervous for everyone, especially Gansey!

Has anyone read any of these yet, and if so, did you like them?  All sound like they have so much potential and I can't wait to get to them!  I'm so lucky to have gotten my hands on these so soon!


  1. I never buy hardbacks because of the price! I wait for the paperback versions to come out. Nice covers in your haul this week-enjoy!

    1. Thanks! I usually save my money to but I got some great deals! :)

  2. ALL HARDBACKS YOU LUCKY DUCK. I've just finished TRK and I liked it because it was the Raven Cycle but the plot, more so the ending, was just anti-climactic and really not enough for me. I've of course heard of Rebel of the Sands, and it's definitely on my TBR.


    1. As it turned out I was able to get them for around the price of paperbacks, but otherwise I'm not usually that lucky. Well, we'll see what I make of it! :)

  3. Oh, I borrowed Rebel of the Sands from the library. I haven't read it yet but I can't wait to. I've heard a lot about it too and it sounds sooo good!

    Right now, I'm reading The Dream Thieves (I'm a little behind on TRC). But I am excited about the Raven King, just haven't gotten that far yet. ;)

    The Girl from Everywhere sounds awesome also. I mean, there's a ship on the cover. Ships usually promise good things.

    1. I hope you end up liking it!

      I love all three of the books I've read from the series, but The Dream Thieves is excellent. :)

      Very true!

  4. Very jealous of all the pretty, pretty books! I really need to catch up on the Raven Cycle so I can read Raven King and I desperately want a physical copy of Rebel of the Sands because I'm loving the audiobook version of it so much! I'm also really curious about The Girl From Everywhere and have heard some pretty good things!

    1. They are sooo pretty! :)

      I'm glad to hear that about Rebel of the Sands!

  5. This is such a great haul Lauren! I've actually never read Stiefvater's Raven Boys books, but I really want to! Maybe I'll marathon them this summer? I'm excited to see what you think about Rebel of the Sands and Ink & Bone. I read the former and really liked it and my eye has been on the other one for quite a while! Great haul! :D

    1. I bet you'd love The Raven Boys - and I'm really looking forward to all of these! :)

  6. I know! I can't believe B&N let that happen! I'll be sure to let you know! :)


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