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Top Ten Tuesdays: Books Set In Ohio

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's theme Books With X Setting - it gives us a little bit of leeway, so I decided to share some books set in my home state of Ohio.  I've listed five books that I've read and enjoyed and five that I want to read.


A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis - Athens (Author is from Ohio)

Not a Drop to Drink (Not a Drop to Drink #1) by Mindy McGinnis - Rural Ohio (Author from Ohio)

Don't Dare a Dame (Maggie Sullivan Mystery #3) by M. Ruth Myers - Dayton

The Elect (Allison's Story #1) by Elle Todd - Stillwater (fictionalized version of a real town) (Author is from Ohio)

The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1) by Rick Yancey - Cincinnati area and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

To Read:

Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy #1) by Stephen King - Northeastern Ohio

Marked for Judgment by Jared McCann - Knox County (Author is from Ohio)

The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel - Breathed (fictional) (Author is from Ohio)

No Game for a Dame (Maggie Sullivan Mystery #1) by M. Ruth Myers - Dayton

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng - Middlewood (fictional) (Author is from Ohio)

What do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these or other books set in my home state?  What setting did you choose this week?  As always thanks very much for visiting my blog, and possibly even leaving a comment!


  1. What a creative idea. I have read the book EVERYTHING I NEVER TOLD YOU. I will be curious to hear what you think of it.

    1. I've heard many great things about it. Thanks for visiting, Anne!

  2. I didn't know that Not A Drop To Drink was set in Ohio. Cool. And I like how you went with your state- great idea!

  3. I loved Not A Drop To Drink! Great list!

    1. I still need to read the companion book. Thanks for visiting, Chrissi!

  4. I loved the Mr Mercedes books by Stephen King, but forgot that it's set in Ohio. Nice list and a few great picks. Will have a look at a few! Here's my TTT:

  5. Wow that's a really specific setting to choose I wouldn't have known where to start! I've read 5th Wave and loved it. I'm hoping to finish the trilogy soon. Have you read the last book yet? If so what did you think?

    1. I haven't yet - I'm on hold for the audiobook at the library! Hope you will like it, Rachel.

  6. Great topic! I didn't know Mr. Mercedes was set in Ohio. I automatically think Maine when I seen King's name. Not a Drop to Drink looks really good. It's one my TBR.

    1. I know! That's exactly where I would have guessed that it was set.

  7. I loved A MADNESS SO DISCREET and NOT A DROP TO DRINK! Can’t wait to read THE 5TH WAVE. Great list!

  8. I didn't know that the 5th Wave is set in Ohio. I really need to read that book soon!

    1. I thought that was so cool - the museum at Wright-Patterson is so interesting!

  9. I also did books set in my home state!!! Mr. Mercedes and Everything I Never Told You were to I enjoyed. I really wan tot read A Madness So Discreet. Great list!

  10. I can find it difficult to remember which state a book is set in, so I'm very impressed with your recall here!

    1. Me, too, but part of what made some of these stand out is that I've visited the settings. :)

  11. I had no idea there were that many books set in Ohio. Most books I read are set in fictional places. :p

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  12. When I read your topic 'Summer That Melted Everything' was immediately on my mind, I wanted to recommend it to you but I see that you already know about this one.

    1. My library has a copy and the first thing I noticed was the Ohio sticker on the spine. :)

  13. Great picks and I haven't read any of these! My favorite books with Ohio settings are probably most of Jennifer Crusie's books (almost all of hers are set there; my favorite is Bet Me!) and Beloved by Toni Morrison

    1. I haven't read any of Cruise's yet, but I want to try them. I was so close to adding Beloved, but I wanted to stick with more recent releases. :)

  14. Great list! I've only read Mr Mercedes and I would definitely recommend that to everyone. It was just so good! I have heard of a few others you've mentioned too though.

    My TTT

    1. I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing, Lauren!

  15. Excellent list and topic choice!! I really need to read A Madness So Discreet.

  16. Thanks so much for including two of my Maggie Sullivan mysteries in your Top Ten Tuesdays list of books set in Ohio. I'm honored! In fact I'm floating on air.

    1. They definitely deserve it! Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  17. I've only read two on this list and I've never actually been to Ohio! I love that you highlighted Ohio authors that was a great touch to give local authors some much needed love.

  18. I never realized that these books took place in Ohio. A Madness So Discreet is a book I missed out on last year, but hopefully I'll make time this October for it. Great list!

    1. I bet you'd love it, Alicia! You'll have to let me know what you think of it!

  19. Wow I didn't know there are so many books set in Ohio. How is A Madness So discreet?

    1. Fantastic, especially if you like historical fiction.

  20. The Summer That Melted Everything sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing your list of great books set in Ohio!

  21. I'm from neighboring Pennsylvania, but I can't recall any books I've read set in Ohio. Surely there are some! Thanks for a list to get me started.

  22. I've heard some good things about A Madness so Discreet :)

  23. Enjoyed seeing your picks, Lauren! The only one I've read is The 5th Wave and to be honest I'd forgotten that it was set in OH. This is also a reminder that I need to finish that trilogy!


    1. I will eventually finish it up, too. I'm just waiting for the hold to arrive. :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  24. I started A Madness So Discreet, then left it at my friend's house on the other side of the country. What I read, I really liked! I need to pick it back up again :) great list! And thanks for stopping by JUBB!


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