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The Elect (Allison's Story #1) by Elle Todd - Review

The Elect (Allison's Story #1)

❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ 

*Note: I received a free copy of The Elect from the author, Elle Todd, in exchange for an honest review.*

Wow! I can honestly say this is one of the best R2R books I've received yet. Phenomenal debut! I probably won't do the story justice in my review, but I'll try.

The plot itself isn't exactly unique. Basically, a normal girl witnesses something she shouldn't have - something which shouldn't even be possible outside of a sci-fi/fantasy story - but the closer she gets reveals a truth she never knew about herself. Like I said before, not terribly unique, but how things end up playing out is refreshingly handled.

Elle Todd definitely has a way with words. Both the dialogue and the characters feel very natural and real. The characters are strong, well-written, and relatable, especially Allison. She wasn't reckless or too stupid to live; she's realistic. She has a good head on her shoulders and definitely made for a good heroine. Delaney, Ryan, Nate, and Jeremy are also likeable supporting players as Allison's friends. I can't forget to mention the parents in the book, too, especially Regina! Personally, though, I believe The Elect could have benefited from a first person perspective. I noticed a couple of times that when one is meant to feel particularly close, the distance a third person perspective can sometimes create felt a little too great.

Great pacing, introduction to the characters, awesome and gut wrenching twist. With that kind cliffhanger (you know, the kind where you let out a strangled yell when you realized you've finished it!), I cannot wait until I get the opportunity to read the sequel, The Vanguard!!

By the way, I live in Ohio and I've been through the real Stillwater, Ohio. Let's just say it's not nearly such a substantial small town as it's made out to be in the story. It's more like one of those blink and you'll miss it kind of places! :)

Thanks very much, Ms. Todd for sending me a free copy for my honest review. I really enjoyed The Elect and I highly recommend it!

I read this from December 2 - 14, 2013 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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