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Top Ten Tuesday: Movie and TV Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Don't Get

Happy Tuesday everyone!  This week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Don't Get or Ten Characters I Love But Others Seem To Dislike.  I'm opting for the first - Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Don't Get.  Since we did a dislikable characters topic not that long ago (and I haven't added many to my list since then), I'm going to focus on movie and tv characters instead.

Alex Cahill from Walker Texas Ranger - I grew up watching this show.  Trivette was my favorite character and Walker himself was pretty cool, but I just didn't care for Alex.  The actress playing the character is, I think, the weakest of the main cast.

Alice Cullen from the Twilight series - Bubbly sure, but the only character I was halfways interested in was Jasper and that's only because his past actually kind of classifies him as a vampire in my book.

Alicia Florrick from The Good Wife - Sometimes I would watch this with mom, but as good as the show is I somehow don't care all that much about Alicia.

Archie Bunker from All in the Family - I just don't get this show.

Buford T. Justice from Smokey and the Bandit - Dad is a huge fan of this movie, especially Jackie Gleason's Sheriff Buford T. Justice.  He has funny scenes to be sure, but he's just way too over the top (but, then again, so is the movie).

Fletch from Fletch - The movie has its moments, but I was just annoyed after an hour and forty minutes of it.

Klaus from The Vampire Diaries - Klaus was great when he was introduced, but then he just kept coming back again and again and again.  I haven't even seen The Originals yet.

Jack Bauer from 24 - I just never got into the show or attached to the characters.

Jerry Seinfeld from Seinfeld - I never really got into is show either, but I have to admit I do kind of like Kramer.

Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind - I can't stand this character, plus I don't actually like any of the characters from this movie.

So, what do you think of this week's list?  Can you deal with any of the characters on my list?  What characters made your list?  All comments are welcome - I try to respond to everyone!


  1. Ooh, Scarlett O'Hara is a great one! I don't like her either.

    1. I don't like any version of her - movie or book!

      Thanks for visiting!

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    3. Those are the movies and actors that I like. I watched this movie from mobdro app provided by

  2. What a fun twist on the topic. I agree with you about Scarlet O'Hara.

    1. Thanks! It seems like other bloggers haven't been liking her character this week.

  3. OOH! Nice Spin! I sort of like Klaus, though, with all of his blood lust and everything. I know he's amoral and outright stupid at times, but he does have his moments.

    COMPLETELY agree with Alice Cullen. Actually, that entire series wasn't one for me. Great post!

    Aditi @

    1. Klaus does have his moments, I agree, but he just seemed to keep coming back far too much for my tastes.

      The entire series isn't for me either, but she seems to be one of the most popular...

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Great list! I don't really get Buford T. Justice either, I know it's a classic movie but he's just, yeah, over the top is a good word. I did kinda like the trucker in that movie... Iceman was it?

    I have a friend who's all about Jack Bauer but he didn't do anything for me. Same w/ Seinfeld.

    1. Over the top is kind of an understatement, isn't it? :) But, yeah, the trucker was pretty good.

      Thanks for visiting!

  5. Klaus and Elijah are the only goods things about the Originals. I only watched the first season and about half of the second, they briefly brought back Kol in the body of Daniel Sharman, which is nothing you can really complain about. :p
    The show got pretty boring for me. It felt like a clone of The Vampire Diaries at times, and some of the acting was really painful.

    1. Elijah was my favorite of that group from The Vampire Diaries.

      Haha! I can see why! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  6. I have watched all but one of the shows. I guess I am lucky, because I can let go and get lost in the story. It all depends on my mood, though. I do have fun tearing apart a lot of the TV shows I watch know, looking for the "bad" parts. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

    1. Usually I'm pretty good at getting lost in a show, too, but sometimes I just have to find something to complain about! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love that you went with TV and movies. I wish I'd thought of that!

    Mel @ Reviews In A Pinch

    1. I had done a similar post with book characters in the past so I thought I would try something different. :)

  8. I'm not familiar with all the characters on your list, Lauren, but I know a few of them, and I definitely agree with you about Alicia Florrick and Jack Bauer. The Archie Bunker thing was very much a product of its time, so I can see why you wouldn't get him. He was meant to be loathsome anyway. As far as Seinfeld is concerned, it took me a while to get into the show, but then I absolutely got hooked and still love it to this day. It's an acquired taste. Scarlett O'Hara was never meant to be likable. I think people enjoy watching or reading about her just so they can hate her.

    1. That's what I've been told about Archie Bunker, so I get that part but I still can't figure the popularity of it out...

      I know that for Scarlett, but I just can't sit and watch such an irritating character for three hours in one sitting...too exhausting!

      Thanks for visiting!

  9. I do not think Seinfeld is funny in any way. So I'm definitely with you there. Just don't get it.

  10. You need to watch the Originals! It might change your opinion on Klaus! And of course, I agree with you on the Scarlett thing. ;) Great list this week - creative! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am considering watching it eventually. :)

      It looks like a lot of people agree with us Scarlett!

  11. I wish I had done tv characters! For some reason, that list is much easier to come up with :p I go back and forth over my feelings for Klaus. Most of the time it's dead in the center of dislike and like. Now Elijah, his character is one that I can't stop loving :)

    My TTT.

    1. Yeah, Elijah is the best of the group! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  12. Archie is an ass, but I do like to watch it from time to time. I think it's only because my dad watched it all them time and I am use to seeing it...Great Top Ten!
    My TTT.

    1. My dad will every now and then too...I just can't wrap my head around it.

      Thanks for sharing!

  13. Love what you did this week. I don't have any strong feeling toward any of the characters you listed but you mentioning Walker Texas Ranger has me remembering my own childhood.

    1. I grew up watching the show, too. Recently a TV station I can pick up has started airing reruns. Sometimes I try to catch one... :)

  14. I love that you went down the path of TV/Film characters - my friend keeps badgering me to watch The Vampire Diaries (would you recommend it?!) Some awesome choices - completely agree with the majority of these!!

    1. The Vampire Diaries is actually pretty good. Of course the first four or five episodes are a little rocky, but after that it really begins to hit its stride.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, Thomas!

  15. oh my goodness - I never liked Seinfeld either! (Except for Kramer) My TTT

    1. Kramer was the only one worth watching!
      Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hmmm, I don't watch a lot of TV (or even movies actually lol) so I don't know if I have any characters other people love but I don't. Though I agree that I've seen Seinfeld and All in the Family and never cared for them. Then again I also felt that way about The Nanny but I ended up loving her character and it became one of my favorite shows lol.

    1. I grew up with The Nanny and it is was one of my idea how it would hold up if I watched it now though. :)

  17. I have to admit that I've been thinking about this post all day, Lauren. From the characters with which I’m familiar (again, not all of them), there are essentially three types: characters that are supposed to be unlikable (Archie Bunker), characters we're supposed to like that we don't (Jack Bauer), and characters that who knows what the intention is (Alicia Florrick).

    We are supposed to laugh at the Seinfeld characters because they're just so clueless. They're funny because they're pathetic. We're supposed to hate Scarlett O'Hara and wish for her downfall because she’s a mean girl; we love hating her so much that we can’t look away. She's not the same as the Seinfeld characters, though, who aren't haughty and don’t take themselves too seriously; they're just silly.

    Archie Bunker is different. He is truly loathsome. Unlike the Seinfeld characters or even Scarlett, he is full of hate. He’s a comic character because he’s so ineffectual, however. If he had any power at all, he’d be terrifying.

    As far as Alicia is concerned, I have no idea what the creators intend. She isn't likable, but the show is still interesting. I usually find myself wondering what's going to happen next because the writers are very skillful at creating tension.

    And Jack Bauer. Well, that’s just a question of how you look at the world, I think. If you believe it’s okay to beat people to a pulp, then you probably like him. If not, you probably don’t.

    This is just a quick analysis, of course, and I might change my mind tomorrow, but somehow you hit a nerve and I wondered if I was on the right track.

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head with these, Paula. :)

      If Archie Bunker had power of any kind, it would be like watching a horror story wouldn't it...

      I usually like actiony stuff so I was surprised when I just couldn't get into 24 - it just didn't hold my attention.

      I certainly like other characters on The Good Wife, but Alicia was never one I was interested in. The show is great but for me it's the rest of the cast that stands out.

      Thanks for coming back, Paula! Certainly let me know if you do change your mind. :)

    2. I haven't changed my mind, Lauren, but I'm still thinking about all this. It seems to me that a lot of these characters make us cringe. They're meant to, except for Jack Bauer and probably Alicia Florrick, I think. The way in which they make us cringe determines how we feel about them.

      A lot of humor *intends* to make us cringe, but in a funny way. This is why we laugh at Ricky Gervais in "The Office," for example, or the characters in "Arrested Development." We're embarrassed for them. But we're not embarrassed for Archie Bunker or Scarlett O'Hara, even though they make us cringe. We just hate them. And that may be why you don't want to watch them.

      So, how do you feel about Tony Soprano? Watchable? Not watchable? Do you hate him? Feel sorry for him? Does he make you cringe? Because he can be pretty loathsome as well, but he's also vulnerable, and I think that's why we sometimes find ourselves rooting for him despite everything.

    3. Arrested Development is one of my favorite shows! :D

      Archie Bunker and Scarlett O'Hara nearly make me see red.

      I know my mom is really interested in Alicia more than the other characters.

      Weirdly enough, I have never actually seen a single episode of The Sopranos...

  18. Thought I'd pop a post in here in case you thought I wasn't interested. Truth is, I cannot comment on TV and movie characters because I never watch either. Honestly. The last time I saw a movie was when I took my grandson to see The Book Thief. The TV never goes on unless I have visitors.

    1. I don't watch a whole lot, but I do have my shows... :)

      I still need to watch The Book Thief - I've heard it's a very good adaptation.

      Thanks for commenting.

  19. Great list! My heart broke a little bit when you said you didn't like Klaus. He's one of my favorite TV characters and I love him with Caroline. <3 Here is my TTT!

    1. I don't know if I'd say I don't like Klaus but I thought he got old. Then again, I'm not up to date on The Vampire Diaries - I think I'll be on season five when I jump back into it. Of Klaus' family my favorite was Elijah. :)

      Thanks for dropping by, Genni!

  20. Great idea to do film and TV characters instead. I have to agree that Jasper was the only vampire in Twilight I was really interested - I really liked the sections on his past. As for Scarlet O'Hara I had to admire her for being a born survivor but you're right she really isn't a nice person!

    1. I know right!

      Scarlet made a lot of lists this week. :)

  21. Scarlett is a great choice! I get your take on Alex Cahill - she's always the one to get into trouble! I actually kind of like Klaus, but mostly I find his mind intriguing and I don't plan on watching the originals. Great list! :)

    1. Every single week, it seemed like.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  22. I definitely agree about Alice! She's so annoying. I always preferred Rosalie. And Scarlet O'Hara I agree with as well. Great list!

    -Jamie @TheRebelliousReader

  23. I agree about Alex from Walker, Texas Ranger. I, too, liked Trivette the best.
    I never like Archie Bunker either.
    But I must say, I love Jack Bauer!

    1. I knew it wasn't just me!

      It might be that I've never watched a lot of 24...oh well.

  24. The Twilight series just went downhill for me when it became super popular--including the movies. Scarlett O'Hare is totally annoying but I LOVE the movie as a whole :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier :)

  25. I'm not a huge fan of Scarlett either, though she does have a fabulous fashion sense. :)

  26. Completely agree about Alice and Klaus - I never really got them either and was wondering what everybody else seemed to love about them.

  27. I love how you changed up the list!
    Although I'm a fan of Jack Bauer :)

    1. I just didn't add enough to this category with books since the last time there was a similar topic. :)

  28. I actually like Scarlett O'Hara! Mostly because she was spoiled and scheming.. but that's just me.

    I agree about those Twilight characters... especially Bella and Edward.. ugh

  29. I really like your switch to TV series, there are so many more that I could have picked from here. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  30. Jasper was the only one I was ever interested in as well as far as Twilight goes.

    I avoided the Originals too. The whole concept just got a bit too ridiculous for me as the series continued. I didn't even watch the last season or two of Vamp Diaries. (and the last few before that I only watched for Ian Somerhalder anyways)

    1. I know, right! :)

      I haven't made it that far with The Vampire Diaries...we'll see what I think.

      Thanks for coming over.

  31. I actually like Klaus much more than Elijah, but other than him I agree with most of your picks!

    1. He's a good character, but I guess I just wish we saw less of his character....

      Thanks for visiting!

  32. I love that you included Alex from Walker Texas Ranger. I grew up watching that show too, and it felt like she was getting kidnapped or held at gunpoint every week.

    1. Same here - what reminded me was the fact that a station is playing reruns daily.

      Thanks for visiting!

  33. I really enjoyed Walker Texas Ranger, but I agree, Alex is one of the weaker characters on that show. Thanks for stopping by my TTT. (

    1. It's a good show, but sometimes it just gets a little ridiculous. :D

      Thanks for sharing!

  34. I love the twist into movies and t.v. Confession: I love so many of the characters you hate. lol Well, except for Alex. I agree with you there; I still picture her on Dallas as April, and she wasn't really strong in that one, either.

    1. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a single episode of Dallas...I had no idea she was on it either.

  35. Scarlett is one of my least favorite characters of all time. She is a horrible brat.:P

    1. Seems to be the general consensus this week, really! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

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