Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome back to Books from the Backlog, the weekly linkup I'm taking part of which is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books. This is a great way to put a spotlight on books that I've had sitting on my shelf for awhile. I don't know when I'll get to my weekly featured book, but I hope to some time hopefully soon.
This Week's Neglected Book:
Published: 2004
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Copy:
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 408
Where I Acquired It: Goodwill
Summary (From Goodreads):
Until everything started to fall apart on the set.
It began with shadows--shadows where they didn't belong, that almost had an existence of their own. Tony tried to ignore it--until he found Nikki Waugh's body, and felt the shadow's touch, and a stunt crash went wrong for no discernible reason--and Tony knew that he had to find out what was threatening everyone on the set.
Why Did I Add It?
I've really enjoyed the what I've read of the Vicki Nelson series and this spinoff featuring Henry Fitzroy sounds pretty cool.
Have you read this or would you read it? Would you recommend it to me? As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!
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