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Doubt (Among Us Trilogy #1) by Anne-Rae Vasquez - Review

Doubt: Among Us Trilogy Book 1

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Actual rating 4.5 stars

Doubt: Among Us Trilogy Book 1 is a story I really wish more people knew about because it's really, really awesome! If you like City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor, the tv show Fringe and/or Supernatural, you just might want to read this book by Anne-Rae Vasquez. In case anyone is interested in reading a ARC ecopy, you can do so right here.

Both Harry and Cristal have just earned their PhD's at the young age of 21. They have always been geeks and have found friends in other social outcasts through online virtual reality gaming. As newly minted adults they are having difficulty adjusting to life in the "real" world. Through Harry's popular online game, he's drawn in friends/gamers into his personal mission to find his missing mother and, potentially, their own missing family members. During Harry's missions, Cristal and a group of Truth Seekers come across information that changes everything and even makes them doubt the reality of their lives.

I was absolutely hooked on Doubt from page one! This exciting character-driven tale has just the right amount of action, suspense, mystery, fantasy and sci-fi elements, and surprising twists to to keep my eyes glued to the screen (I read an ecopy through ePubBud) and breathlessly awaiting the next chapter.

I love the characters and where the author takes them over the course of the story. In a story like this the characters have to be relatively likeable and relatable or the story falls apart, but I can say the Vasquez pulled that off reasonably well. Of course, the reader has to suspend their disbelief over the course of events (really trying to avoid spoilers), but for the most part what happens feels like there is the possibility that it could actually happen because it's so well grounded with it's characters. That being said I'm only really knocking the story half of a star because the book has a pretty good sized cast and it took awhile to keep track of everyone.

Otherwise, though, Doubt is absolutely fantastic and I highly, highly recommend it! I was not ready for it to end and I am now eagerly awaiting Book 2!

I read this from July 27 - August 2, 2014 and my review can also be found on Goodreads.


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