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Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer - Review

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)

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Well done, Ms. Meyer! Like Cinder, I absolutely adored Scarlet. The additions of Scarlet, Wolf, and Carswell Thorne were all well-developed, well-written, and unique. I loved how Meyer kept up the fairy tale themes by very effectively retelling Little Red Riding Hood through Scarlet (yes, just like the hair and she wears a red hoodie in this adaptation) and Wolf (I could go on at length about this character but I don't want to spoil anything). As for roguish "Captain" Carswell Thorne, he easily steals every scene he's in; I imagined him as a cross between Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood and Han Solo from Star Wars. Again, I can really appreciate when an author can create such an interesting world(s) for their characters to inhabit and Meyer is most definitely one of those authors and as this series continues, I hope to see more of Fourth Era Earth, and even Luna. Thank you, Ms. Meyer for creating such a fantastic dystopian sci-fi fairy-tale retelling! The wait for the release of Cress is on! I like that Rapunzel themed opening - here's my question how will she fit in with our current cast of characters? :)

I read this from May 1 - 6, 2013 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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