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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Were Hard For Me To Read

It's Tuesday again and that means I'm participating in Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  The theme this week is "books that were hard for me to read (for various reasons)" - I could easily fill this up with textbooks, but I'll try not to. Either way, the books below were difficult because they were cringe-worthy, had difficult subject matter, an odd writing style, or just plain difficult for me to get into, etc.

Without further ado!

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi 

My main issue with this is the clunky writing style and numerous unnecessary metaphors and similes.  I like a stylized novel when flows and comes across as effortless, but that is not the case with Shatter Me.  The romance also got old after awhile - I picked up right away that Adam is hot and brooding and that Juliette is angsty and desperate, I didn't need to be reminded every other paragraph.  And Warner, the villain, came across as so flat and I'm pretty sure he missed a crucial aspect of Juliette's character while he was busy twirling his metaphorical mustache.

The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries #1) by L. J. Smith

The tv show had been recommended to me so many times, so when I was waiting for it to arrive at the library, I decided to read the book first.  Good thing I picked it up at a junk shop for only a quarter!  My main issue with the book is that I couldn't stand Elena one bit.  The only thing that made me give it two stars was that I liked the Renaissance aspect.  Let's just say, I'm glad the show is completely different from the book!  (I'm in the middle of season four right now!)

Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann

I read this mystery novel for a course and wasn't impressed.  It was hard to read because at times it could be downright vague.  For example, the explanation of the crime is a huge weak point due to vagueness.  It left me wanting more of an explanation, or at least a better one, but it never came.  The writing style was also difficult to follow - which again comes back to the story being vague when it shouldn't.

The French Connection by Robin Moore

I love the movie that this case/book inspired, but the book is so dry that it became downright boring.  It became so hard to read that I ended up barely skimming it and looking at the case pictures.

Red Rain by R.L. Stine

When I was a kid I compulsively read everything Stine wrote, so when he came out with this adult book I had to read it.  Unfortunately, I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.  It just didn't work for me...I think I'll stick with Goosebumps and Fear Street.

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Fallen definitely falls under cringeworthy (and it clocked in at a near constant eye rolling)!  Well for the first two chapters anyway which is as far as I made it!  It was recommended to me multiple times and I figured I should see what the fuss was about.  The reviews looked pretty divisive (either you love it or you hate it) and it sounded a little too much like Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (which I also didn't like).  It just wasn't for me!

Unbreakable by Kami Garcia

I like when author's can take a well-used plot and put their own refreshing spin on them.  However, that was not the case at all in this poor Supernatural rip-off with weak characters and an instalove triangle making it pretty cringeworthy.  Basically, skip this and just go watch Supernatural!

The 100 by Kass Morgan

This was pretty hard for me to read because of the confusing multiple POVs and cringeworthy due to the stupidity and lack of common sense and the love triangle (really?!).  Thankfully, like The Vampire Diaries, it turns out the tv show is actually good even if it was a bit shaky in the beginning.

A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness

I really wanted to like this!  The blurb sounded great and it started off strong, but it slowed way down turned into a romance novel (of the Twilight variety) where the characters mostly drink lots of wine and do yoga - not what I signed up for when I began listening to the audiobook!  If only it were cut it half, I think it would have hooked me.

Did anyone else feel the same about any of these novels, or was it just me?


  1. Shatter Me. I did not enjoy this book which is funny because everyone seems to love it. The romance of the story is what turned me off. It happened so quick despite all these supposed fears the protagonist had. I didn't get it.

  2. Felt the same about Shatter Me! It was alright, but not amazing. That's too bad about Cryer's Cross - I was looking forward to that one. Vague reasoning is very frustrating. I was also considering reading the 100 - maybe I'll just watch the show instead :P

    1. I know! Cryer's Cross sounded like it had potential but that factor really spoiled the story for me. The 100 the book is pretty much episode one of the tv show...except that lots of things have been changed and mostly for the better. If you hang in there for the first few episodes, you'll definitely be hooked!

      Thanks for visiting! :)


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