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The Histories of the Earth: Book One: In The Window Room by Steven J. Carroll - Review

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I won a copy of this through the Goodreads First Reads Program.

Delany, a student at the Mayfield School for Girls, gets punished and is forced to stay alone in an old abandoned home on the edge of the school grounds. As she begins to explore, she finds the window room and a new friend. The window room has a contraption that can transport you to distant lands for set periods of time. Delany and her new friend, Meris, have all kinds of adventures via the window room.

I really enjoyed the premise of In the Window Room by Steven J. Carroll and the almost fairy tale style of the story. It's truly a lot of fun and I think kids age 9 to 12 would get a real kick out of it.

However, I wish the narrator didn't break in as much as he does because it really disrupted the story. I would have rated this higher if the story was just told straight out rather than with all of the footnotes, brackets, and parenthetical references peppered throughout. It took me a little while to get used to the writing style, but once I liked the tale itself quite a bit.

Overall, I liked this short and sweet adventure to a far off land.

I read this from September 16 - 18, 2014 and my review is also available on Goodreads.


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