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Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday everybody!

This week I've been pretty busy between work and all the reading I've been doing, so it's nice to have some free time this weekend.

Two of the books that I won through the Goodreads First Reads program arrived: In the Window Room by Steven J. Carroll and the sequel, A Prince of Earth.  Both were signed by the author and they sound pretty exciting!  I'm really looking forward to them!

I had the opportunity to stop by my local new and used book store where I purchased The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda and the book of the moment, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.  I really lucked out because both were on sale and I had a 20% off coupon!

I've also ordered some new books from Amazon, using up all the gift card money I had accumulated!

I love getting mail, especially when I know there will be books arriving!

I've already had the chance to read We Were Liars and it was great!  If you like the family dynamic and beautiful setting of ABC's Revenge and the twists and turns of Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio, you will love We Were Liars by E. Lockhart!  

I also had the opportunity to read Shanghai Girls by Lisa See .  If you interested in character-driven historical fiction regarding pre-WWII Shanghai, Hollywood, WWII, and the Red Scare starring two realistic and well-written sisters, look no further.  

I also finished Last Call by Tim Powers on Playaway.  Not to be missed if you like King Arthur/ Fisher King retellings, Bugsy Siegel and Las Vegas, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman!

In non-book related news, my local PBS station has picked up Father Brown starring Mark Williams (aka Arthur Weasley) as a crime fighting Catholic priest and  I was able to watch series one, episode two.  I will definitely be back to see more of this enjoyable series! 

To wrap things up until next time, I thought I would share this picture of my Finn being very "sophisticatted!"

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Nice book haul! And little Finn is adorable. :3

    Brittany @

    1. Thanks! And Finn is a very handsome cat! :) However, he's not so little - he got weighed at the vet last week and came in at 13.5 pounds! He's a long and sleek big boy! :)

    2. Aww, lol. That just means there's more of him to love. ;)


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