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Top Ten Tuesday: Underrated Books

Once again I'm participating in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme this week is Underrated Books.  I could select a specific genre, but I'm just going to list some of my favorites that need more love.

Here they are presented in no particular order:

Doubt by Anne-Rae Vasquez  - If you love tv shows like Fringe or Supernatural and books like City of Bones by Cassandra Clare or Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, you should really read Doubt!

Divided We Fall by Trent Reedy - Do you like dystopias?  How about timely pre-dystopias that ask important questions about American culture inside an action-packed thrill ride packing a serious emotional punch?

The Real Boy by Anne Ursu - This fantastic middle-grade novel plays with the Pinocchio story while turning it and fantasy/ fairy tale conventions on end.

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill - If you call yourself a fan of Doctor Who or Back to the Future, then you must read this as soon as possible.  All Our Yesterdays currently ranks as one of my most favorite time-travel books ever!

Half Bad by Sally Green - What if Lord Voldemort is Harry Potter's absent father and the Ministry wants to exterminate Harry because they don't know what this kid could grow up to become and/ or use him to kill  his father because he might be the only one to get close enough?  If that parallel doesn't make you want to go out and buy this marvelous book, I don't know what will.

The Elect by Elle Todd - Excellent debut by Elle Todd with The Elect.  Her characters are quite well-written and relatable, as she masterfully handles what on the surface appears to be a not terribly unique plot in a refreshing manner.

The Monstrumologist  by Rick Yancey - This novel is written by the same man who wrote The 5th Wave, but this hasn't gotten nearly enough love.  A monstrumologist is someone who studies aberrant biology, aka monsters.  If you like your horror of the darkly gothic variety, then this is for you!

Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines - Libriomancers practice a type of magic that allows them to reach into books and drawn items from the story out into the real world.  How awesome is that?!

The Moon Dwellers by David Estes - If you haven't read this fantastic novel yet go read it asap, especially if you like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, or Legend.  You'll wish you'd read it sooner!

Fire Country by David Estes - For the same reasons as above!  Do you also like The Handmaid's Tale as well as the newer YA dystopias mentioned above?  Everyone should read David Estes!

[Note: All of my choices are the first book in a series, except for The Real Boy by Anne Ursu.]


  1. I'm glad I stumbled on this page - I hadn't heard of any of these books, but I'm adding to them to my neverending to-read list as we speak!


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