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Rating and Review Policies

My Rating System:

❋ ❋ ❋ ❋  
Absolutely brilliant. I highly recommend it and if there is a sequel I will be reading it.  It couldn't get any better.

❋ ❋ ❋ 

Great, but is lacking something that keeps me from saying it's brilliant. Recommended.

❋ ❋  
Good.  I liked it and finished it, but I probably wouldn't recommend it to those without an interest in the topic.


Meh.  Chances are I finished it, but I probably didn't like it or care for it all that much.


No, thank you.  I may have DNF'd this one and might have thrown it across the room at one point.  I didn't like it one bit, and I would not recommend it (for reasons that will be explained).

My Review Policy:

First things first, thanks for considering me to review your novel!  I am currently open to review requests, but please bear in mind that I'm a busy person and have a mountainous tbr that is threatening to topple over and smash me flat.  I will try to respond to inquiries within a week.   Please feel free to contact me here for review requests.

Genres I Accept:  YA sci-fi and fantasy make up the bulk of what I read, so of course I'm open to considering requests that fall into those genres.  I am also open to considering Middle Grade and Adult sci-fi and fantasy.  Otherwise, I will also consider YA and Adult mystery/ thriller novels.

Formats I Accept: Physical ARCs or hardcovers, Kindle ebooks, and PDF ecopies that can be read on Kindle.

If I Accept Your Novel For Review:  When I receive your novel, it will go to the top of my tbr.  Within two to four weeks I will have read your novel and have posted my honest review here on my blog, Goodreads, and Amazon.  I may also share my review of books that I have particularly enjoyed on Twitter.

My Review Will Include: The cover, my rating (see My Rating System above), a one paragraph summary, 1-2+ paragraph long reaction to the novel where I will discuss the good, the bad, what I liked, and what I disliked, etc., a one paragraph conclusion, the format of the novel, the date I read your novel, and the link to my review on Goodreads.  I may also include a GIF or two, if the mood strikes me.  This is the standard format of my reviews.  For novels that I have accepted as read for review,  I will include a statement noting that I have received this novel in exchange for an honest review.

I Will Also Consider: Author interviews - generally for authors that I'm already familiar with, giveaways - for novels that I'm highly anticipating and/or have greatly enjoyed, and blog tours - for novels that I'm highly anticipating.

Again, thank you for considering me to review your novel.  If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.


  1. Bonjour Lauren,
    I saw you put The Mummy of Monte Cristo as a book you wanted to read on Goodreads. I can send you a review copy for a tour, we offer great incentives to our reviewers. See here if you are interested:


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