Happy Halloween and Saturday everyone! Today I'm sharing my wrap up and mini reviews for ScreamAthon , a readathon that ran the entire month of October and was hosted by @lifeWHITme (the creator of the PopCulture Readathon ), @readingparent (a cohost of the PopCulture Readathon), @JBreatheNBooks , and @LaFlorDeJalisco . I managed to read all but one of the 25 books I was originally hoping to get to. You can see my original TBR here . Keep reading to see my thoughts for the books I completed for this readathon: Wrong Number: Number In The Title âť‹ âť‹ âť‹ âť‹ I'm so glad I finally decided to pick up Three Parts Dead ( Craft Sequence #1) by Max Gladstone a chance. It had been sitting on my shelf for far too long. I particularly enjoyed Gladstone's world-building of this series opener as it's quite unique. It's always nice to find a fantasy series where the setting feels so vivid. I...