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The Mummy of Monte Cristo by J. Trevor Robinson (ARC) - Review


I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

A thrilling tale of magic, monsters, envy, wrongful imprisonment, and revenge. Adapted from the classic Alexandre Dumas adventure The Count of Monte Cristo. When jealousy and ambition drive a group of men to frame young Edmond Dantes for treason, he’s sent to prison indefinitely; there, he finds a friend and tutor who tells him about a terrible power hidden on the island of Monte Cristo. Edmond escapes, makes the impossible decision to be mummified alive for the sake of revenge, and pursues his enemies to Paris with an intricate plan to tear down their new lives brick by brick. His plans are complicated by unexpected reminders of the humanity he left behind, and one of his foes has an even grander plan that could mean worldwide death and panic for his own profit.

The Mummy of Monte Cristo by J. Trevor Robinson is a fantasy horror retelling of the classic The Count of Monte Cristo. I loved the idea of this one right off the bat since that classic is one of my favorites and I can't resist a retelling. I also particularly enjoy historical fantasy, especially with a dash of horror and thriller elements as well, so I was really excited to give this a try. There's a lot to like about this novel. As an homage to the classic novel, it's pretty great and the author tonality has it down. My favorite element was discovering all of the elements of this retelling that have a fantasy element to them, for example the titular mummy. Fair warning, the novel is very long which makes sense given the story that it's retelling is quite hefty itself. That said, as much as I love the concept of this and the classic there are times when this drags. It's a pretty dense read and some characters have very similar names making it tricky to keep track of everyone.

Overall, The Mummy of Monte Cristo by J. Trevor Robinson is well worth picking up if you're looking for a successful retelling of a classic novel. The author does a great job of writing in the style of Dumas's original while adding his own personal touch. Plus, the supernatural elements are quite fun. I'm looking forward to trying more from this author in the future. 

The Mummy of Monte Cristo by J. Trevor Robinson will be released on October 20, 2020. My review is also on Goodreads.


  1. I've never read the Count of Monte Cristo, but now that you reviewed this book, I might have to go back and read it😁

  2. i don't think i have read the count of monte cristo either, but, especially after reading your review of this book, it makes me want to read them both
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. I didn't know this was a thing! This is the first time I've seen any retellings for this classic.


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