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Books From The Backlog: The Hidden Stars (Rune of Unmaking #1) by Madeline Howard

Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome back to Books from the Backlog, the weekly linkup I'm taking part of which is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books.  This is a great way to put a spotlight on books that I've had sitting on my shelf for awhile.  I don't know when I'll get to my weekly featured book, but I hope to some time hopefully soon.

This Week's Neglected Book:

Published: 2004

Genre: Epic Fantasy Adventure

My Copy:

Format: Mass Market Paperback

Pages: 391

Where I Acquired It: Thrift store

Summary (From Goodreads):

In a world devastated by the cataclysmic war between wizards and mages, the Empress Ouriána seized the throne, proclaiming herself the Divine Incarnation of the Devouring Moon. Appointing twelve priests to perform her rites, she rules with a tight rein of dark sorcery. The priests, once men, became twisted with magic, making them monstrous—mutated. Wherever they ride they bring destruction, and one kingdom after another falls, enslaved into darkness.

Yet signs and portents appear, puzzling the seers, and a tale begins to grow. A rumor of a young girl, talented and hidden, who is destined to end Ouriána's tyrannous reign . . . if she survives long enough to do so. And a brave band of wizards and heroes ride out in search of the hidden princess, pursued by the fury of the dark goddess herself.

Why Did I Add It?

This sounds really cool and the cover looks pretty epic to me!

Have you read this or would you read it?  Would you recommend it to me?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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