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About Me

Welcome to my blog!  My name is Lauren and I'm a 34 year old Ohioan.  If it isn't already obvious, I am completely addicted to reading and I particularly enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and YA.  The photo above is probably one of the few times you'll see me without a book in my hands.  I love the fact that being a librarian helps feed my addiction and allows me to interact with other book lovers on a daily basis.  Plus, I love talking about my super cute and crazy gray tuxedo cat, Finn:

Thanks for taking the time to visit my tiny piece of the internet.  If you like, please comment or, dare I say, follow this blog if you would like to see more - you can follow me via email or Bloglovin'.  You can also visit me on Goodreads, The StoryGraphTwitterPinterestLetterboxd, and Bluesky.

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  1. Hi Lauren. Congratulations. You won a paperback (US) or ebook (Int) on my blog.

    Please contact me with an email address so I can pass it on to the author and she may contact you.

    sherryfundin69 at netscape dot net

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. It is always appreciated and congrats again!

  2. Hey Lauren! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Awards this year. :) If you would like to participate, here is the link to my post.

    Have a lovely week!

  3. Love your picture of your cat, Finn!! How'd you pick Finn's name??

    1. Thanks! :) Before Finn came around I used to have another kitty named Sawyer - plus, Finn just seems to suit him.

  4. Hi Lauren, so nice to meet you. I will keep coming back!

  5. Decide, dear, whether you wanna lissen
    to the filth o'the world... or wiseabove:
    ♡ ♡


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