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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed Me A Fully Loaded Gift Card

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's theme is a good one - Books I'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed Me A Fully Loaded Gift Card.  If only this were the case!

The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab - The dead rest as Histories in the Archive?  How cool does that sound?! Honestly, I just need more Victoria (V.E.) Schwab in my life.

The Bright Court (Feyland #2) by Anthea Sharp - I just finished up the first book which was awesome, so of course, I have to get the sequel!

Burning Nation (Divided We Fall Trilogy #2) by Trent Reedy - The first book in this series was stunning.  I don't know why I haven't read this one yet.

Empire of Dust (Blood of Gods and Royals #2) by Eleanor Herman - This was released last month and I'm so excited to get my hands on this sequel since Legacy of Kings was one of my favorites!

A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson - Life After Life was a masterpiece - I need to get to the companion book!

The Golem and the Jinni (The Golem and the Jinni) by Helene Wecker - This sounds like a masterpiece that I don't want to miss out on.

Half Lost (The Half Bad Trilogy #3) by Sally Green - Book 1 and Book 2 were just the best - I'm beyond excited to see how it all ends!

My Smoky Bacon Crisp Obsession (Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets #2) by J. A. Buckle - Half My Facebook Friends was such a pleasant surprise, and had a great sense of humor - I need to see more Josh Walker!  If you want to meet a character along the lines of Ryan Dean West from Winger and Stand-Off by Andrew Smith, you need to try this series! 

The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy #1) by Charlie N. Holmburg - This just sounds awesome!

The Vanguard (Allison's Story #2) by Elle Todd - The first book in this series was a real hidden gem - I need to finally get my hands on a copy of the sequel!

Wolfe Trap (The Becket Chronicles #2) by Jason A. Grunewald - If the above listed book was a real hidden gem, the first book in this series was doubly so.  Now I just need to find a copy of the sequel...

As always, thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, and maybe even comment!  What do you think of my picks this week?  Have you read any of these?  Are you interested in reading any of these like I am?  What books would you buy right now if you had a gift card burning a hole in your pocket?


  1. I loved THE GOLEM an JINNI, I hope you do get it and love it, too. I am getting lot of great suggestions from you.

  2. Some new ones for me here, The Archived and Feyland both look good. As usual a nice cover pulls me in...I like both of those!

    1. They do me for me as well. Maybe you'll get around to them.

      Thanks for visiting, Greg!

  3. Still haven't read Life After Life - thanks for the reminder! (My top ten is now a top eleven).

    Here's my TT -

    1. I hope you like it! It's so good!

      Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very interesting titles! Hope you find them all... My TTT

  5. The Paper Magician, I have been eyeing that one.

  6. These aren't my style of books, but I hope you get to own and love all of them soon! :D

  7. WOW some fab books.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  8. Half Bad has been sitting on my shelf for months now. I really need to read it soon. And I shamelessly haven't read any of VE Schwab's books. But I'll fix that soon!

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

    1. You have to read them soon, then! Happy reading, czai!

  9. Ooh, I need to read The Archived, too. I'm slooowly catching up on everything Schwab writes.

  10. Great list, Lauren! I have not yet read any of these, but a couple are on my TBR pile--like Paper Magician and The Golem and the Jinni.

  11. Interesting list--I'll have to have a look at a few of these. Thanks for stopping by.
    Lisa @

  12. From your list I would gladly add;

    The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab (All her books for real. She writes wonderful novels and dark characters).

    The Golem and the Jinni (The Golem and the Jinni) by Helene Wecker (I have read good reviews about this one).

    Wolfe Trap (First time to read about it but would gladly try it).

    Thank you for visiting my TTT...

    1. If you do go for Wolfe Trap, you'll have to read the first book in the series called Finding Time first. :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog, too. :)

  13. The Paper Magician is so charming, I definitely encourage you to pick it up when you get a chance. At some point, I think I'm going to own all of Victoria Schwab's books. Great list!

    1. I want to own all of Schwab's books! :) I can't wait to try The Paper Magician.

  14. Ahhh yes, you NEED The Archived in your life! SO good! And you can't go wrong with Victoria Schwab. I also need to get The Golem and the Jinni. That's been on my TBR for ages now. Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway

    1. I can't wait to get to them! Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

  15. Nice list!! The Golem and the Jinni sounds so good. I hope you get all of these ASAP. :D

  16. I've always hoped to read God in Ruins. Love that author.

  17. The only one of these I've read is The Golem and the Ginni and it was AMAZING! Great list :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  18. I LOVED the Archived! And I'm pretty sure you'll love it, too. It's a quick read but it's potent.

  19. I haven't read any of these, but I just added Divided We Fall, Burning Nation, and The Archived to my TBR list! Thank you for visiting my blog!


  20. I LOVE THE ARHCIVED!!!! It's such an original and beautiful book, and I hope you'll love it!

  21. I LOVE THE ARHCIVED!!!! It's such an original and beautiful book, and I hope you'll love it!

  22. Ooh such a range!
    Great list :D

  23. The Archived was so good. I hope you get to read at least some of these soon. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  24. I've been considering getting The Archived series and giving it a go myself! Haven't heard of some of the other titles but i hope you get them all soon!

  25. You've spend time on selecting these, that I can see. Great selection. The Golem and the Jinni! I have that on my TBR, but hardly ever see it around. Never heard of the Paper Magician, but that is something I will read as well. Here's my TTT:

    1. I know, I'm surprised it doesn't pop up more often. Thanks for sharing!

  26. The Archived is awesome. I picked it up in 2014 but put it down because I wasn't feeling the first few chapters. I tried it again in 2015 and LOVED it.

  27. "The Golem and the Jinni" sounds awesome! It reminds me a little bit of the Bartimaeus books, mixed with the golem-themed episodes of X-Files and Supernatural. I'm adding it to my Amazon wish list!

    1. I couldn't help but think of Supernatural when I heard of this book - it also makes me think of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

  28. Great list!! I'm been dying to read Legacy of Kings but I've been a bit scared, to be honest. I heard some mixed reviews. But I desperately want to buy it!! :D What was your favourite thing about the book? I might even buy Legacy of Kings and Empire of Dust all at once haha!

    Raquel @ RaquelReadsBooks

    1. I did, too, but I really loved it, especially all of the detail going into it! And, it made it feel fresh. :)

  29. I didn't know the sequel to Legacy of Kings was out! I really need to read that as it's been sitting on my ereader forever! Glad to hear you enjoyed it and are looking forward to the sequel.
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

    1. I know right! It was originally due out much later, but it got bumped up! :D

  30. The Archived is such a good book. Schwab does a really great job at creating this haunting atmosphere and the characters are great as well. :D
    - Lois @ My Midnight Musing

  31. Schwab is definitely on my auto-buy list, if I had the budget for all her books, haha. I've yet to read her YA stuff, though it's on the works.

    I have a copy of The Paper Magician! Though I haven't read it yet... (darn my book hoarding!). These books do sound awesome to own :D

    1. If I had an auto-buy list, she would totally be on it! :D I hope you like The Paper Magician!

      Thanks for visiting, Mari!

  32. I sadly didn't like Half Bad and actually DNF'ed it! I hope you love it though, Lauren! I've heard amazing things about Legacy of Kings! I want to try starting the series this year or next. I need more VE Schwab as well. I really want to read the sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic right now. Great list Lauren! Here is my TTT for the week!

    1. That's too bad about Half Bad, but I'm really happy to hear that about Legacy of Kings and I hope you'll like it. I can't wait to read A Gathering of Shadows myself. :)

  33. Fun! I've heard lots of good things about The Golem and the Jinni.

  34. This is such a good list! I own The Archived but haven't gotten to it yet. Let me know when you purchase it! Maybe we can buddy read it :).

    1. Let's hope I can find a copy quick! :) That would be nice!

  35. I spy the 'Half Bad' books around the blogosphere now and again but haven't read them. I'll have to look into them more closely because they do sound interesting. :)

    Thanks so much - as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

    1. I bet you'd like it, Rissi, and thanks for visiting my blog, too!

  36. I feel like I have a copy of The Archived lying around in my room somewhere... i need to figure that out because if I do i totally want to read it soon!
    Great list Lauren!
    Emily @

  37. I also need more V.E. Schwab in my life! I grabbed The Archived when it was a Kindle deal a few days (weeks?) ago.

  38. She goes by V.E. for her adult books, and Victoria for her YA works. She has quite a few out there both considered. :)


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