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The Friday 56: The New Joys Of Jell-O Brand Gelatin Dessert Recipe Book

Welcome to The Friday 56, a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.

These are the rules:
1. Grab a book, any book.
2. Turn to page 56, or 56% on your eReader.
3. Find any sentence (or a few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you.
4. Post it.
5. Add the URL to your post in the link on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post.

This week I'll be sharing a recipe with you from a 1974 Jell-O cookbook I received for Christmas.  You can see my review here.  The recipe is actually from page 58 - there is a picture of the recipe on page 56 and 57.

Richelieu Mold
(photographed on page 56)

1 can (16 oz.) pitted dark sweet cherries
1 package (3 oz.) Jell-O Gelatin, any red flavor
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons orange juice
3/4 cup diced orange sections, well drained
1 cup Birds Eye Cool Whip Non-Dairy Whipped Topping, thawed, or prepared Dream Whip Whipped Topping
1/4 cup chopped toasted almonds

Drain cherries reserving 3/4 cup of the syrup. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add reserved syrup and orange juice. Chill until thickened. Fold in cherries and oranges. Pour into a 4-cup mold or individual molds. Chill until firm-4 hours or overnight. Combine whipped topping, toasted almonds. Unmold gelatin. Serve with topping. Makes 3 1/2 cups or 6 servings.

Here's a picture of the Richelieu Mold from the book.  It's the dark red one on the bottom left side.


  1. This recipe sounds pretty good! I love old cookbooks.
    My Friday post features CHORUS LINES, CAVIAR AND CORPSES.

    1. That's what I thought! It's actually one of the normal sounding ones. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love reading cookbooks. This is one I think I had at one time

  3. I would love this cookbook. I love to cook, experiment in the kitchen and LOVE Jell-O!
    Happy weekend!

    1. This would be an excellent one to experiment with that's for sure! :)

  4. I love jello! This would be a good one for me:)

    Here's my 56 -

  5. I have a 70s cookbook for entertaining. It has some interesting recipes. Girl Who Reads

  6. I live by the mantra that there is always room for jello :)

  7. That sounds like a very interesting cookbook. Who doesn't love Jello. :)

    1. I love Jello - just not the kind with mayo or sour cream in it. :D

  8. That Jello recipe does sound good. I think I have that cookbook somewhere. I have a few hundred cookbooks around my house and cook just once or twice a week - the consequences of living alone. Happy reading!

  9. I do love jello. I would really appreciate that cookbook.

  10. Sounds scrumptious and - you've solved a mystery I've never been able to solve :-)
    What you call, in the States, 'jelly' we, here in the UK, call 'jam'. which left me wondering what your name for our 'jelly' was. Now I know!! lol It's Jell-O! Best wishes for 2015.

    1. Yep! :) We do have jam over here, by the way. It's got more of the fruit pulp (like preserves) whereas jelly is pulp free.

      Thanks for the best wishes for the coming new year.

  11. I like that jello recipe. Sounds delicious.


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