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Aces Wild (Sin City Collectors #1) by Amanda Carlson - Review

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I received a free ecopy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Aces Wild is the first novella of the Sin City Collectors series. It follows a young dhampir Collector named Nevada on her mission to Collect a powerful vampire for the Boss. By the way, Collectors are supernatural bounty hunters. After screwing up her first vampire Collection job, she has been been assigned a partner to make sure things don't go south. Her partner is a hellhound named Jake. She and Jake have a history, a painful one, but they're both professionals. However, this new Collection will push them both to their limits.

I knew there was a reason I liked Amanda Carlson's urban fantasy! I love the characters she creates, even if they are sometimes a bit difficult to like. I also enjoy the detail that goes into her paranormal worlds. The Las Vegas of the Collector's sounds like one I would like to spend some more time in. I will be back for the rest of this series!

I read this novella on December 18 and my review is also available on Goodreads.


  1. I love Las Vegas themed books! I will have to check this one out!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
    Enter my blog birthday giveaway!

    1. Cool! It's an added bonus if you're a fan of urban fantasy. :)

  2. Urban fantasies are always fun! Have you tried any Jacqueline Carey? Hers are really good, too! Glad to know this one was good!



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