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Book Blitz: The Spirit Chaser by Kat Mayor - Excerpt, Review, and Giveaway

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Welcome to my stop on the book blitz, organized by Lola's Blog Tours, for The Spirit Chaser by Kat Mayor.  The book blitz runs from December 14th - 20th  and you can view the full blitz schedule here.  Read on to see the official blurb, an excerpt from the story, learn about the author, my review of The Spirit Chaser, and the chance to enter a tour wide giveaway.

The Spirit Chaser by Kat Mayor 
Genre: Horror/ Ghosts/ Dark Romance 
Age category: Adult 
Release Date: November 13, 2015 


Some places are too evil. Some places should be left alone.

Austin Cole has it made. Star of the hit television show Spirit Chaser Investigations, he has become the world’s most famous paranormal investigator. Although hard work, a talented investigation team, and favorable genetics have something to do with it, it’s his lack of fear and willingness to take risks no one else will that make Spirit Chaser Investigations cable’s number-one show. When a ghost-hunt-gone-wrong seriously injures his best friend and lead psychic, Austin is forced to find a replacement for a team member he considers irreplaceable.

Casey Lawson can’t catch a break. She’s been on her own since she turned eighteen and is scraping by as a part-time psychic and cashier at a New Age store. When a desperate Austin Cole calls her up and offers her a position on his team, has her fortune finally changed?

He’s a control freak; she’s stubborn and opinionated. It takes time, but when they finally realize they’re working on the same side, everything clicks, both on and off screen.

Just when things are looking up, a new threat emerges. Over the years, Austin has angered plenty of demons, and one of them has set her sights on him. Now he’s the one in danger, and it’s up to the team to rescue him from the riskiest investigation of their lives.
You can find The Spirit Chaser on Goodreads

You can buy The Spirit Chaser here:
- Amazon
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- Smashwords


“I got your message. I guess that means Austin tracked you down.”
“Yeah, he did, and I have some questions about that for later.” Casey threw her purse on the entry table and flopped down on the couch. “But first I want to talk about you. I saw what happened on the finale. It was awful.” Casey paused for a moment. “How are you doing?”
“Yeah, that wasn’t my finest moment.” No it wasn’t. Casey thought it was a crappy thing to do, televising what had to be the lowest point in Barrett’s life. But she understood about ratings and the Almighty Dollar. “I’m better now, though,” he told her.
“How did it get in your head?”
“She was strong. Very strong.”
“Yeah, the entity self-identified as female. She got in before I even knew I’d been attacked.” An involuntary shiver went through Casey’s spine. Barrett had always been careful. If an entity could get hold of him like that, then no one was safe.
“So, do you remember what happened?”
“Thankfully, no. I have vivid memories of everything that happened before we entered the warehouse. But after that, it’s all kind of a blur. This is what I do remember: She put the darkest thoughts of violence and rage in my head.” It had been like seeing his friends through someone else’s eyes. He had been crazy-out-of-control-angry at Gary and Luis. But the level of hate he’d felt for Austin was off the charts. Not only did he want him to suffer a slow, agonizing death, he wanted to inflict the pain and watch every excruciating moment as he slipped closer and closer to the edge. Barrett exhaled. “Anyway, the next thing I know, I’m in the hospital with a broken arm, terrified of something I can’t name or describe. You remember how I was in high school? When everything was hopeless and I was hating life?”
“Yeah,” Casey said. For as long as she had known Barrett, depression had been a daily struggle. He was the typical high school loner, a bit of a weirdo who didn’t fit into any of the usual cliques. He wandered around the halls with a sad, empty look in his eyes. The dark cloud over his head was what drew Casey to him in the first place. She was an outcast in her own right. Being the preacher’s emo daughter who spoke to ghosts didn’t win her any popularity contests. His vulnerability struck a chord with her. She wanted to take him home with her, like a stray puppy, and hold him until he felt safe and secure. But her comfort was not what he needed.
“That was nothing compared to the level of depression and despair I was feeling after the … thing”—he couldn’t bring himself to articulate the word “possessed”—“attacked me. I found out later that the doctors placed me on a suicide watch.” Barrett shook his head. “Weird. Sorry to unload on you. I’ll save the confessing and emotional vomiting for my priest and shrink.”
“No worries. I shouldn’t have brought up a sore subject.”
“No, Casey. You’re one of the few people who’ve even asked how I’m doing. My boyfriend, Derek, wants to ignore it, pretend like nothing happened. He’s afraid if we discuss it, I’ll lose it or something. I think a few of my friends are even kind of scared of me.” Barrett sighed. “Well, enough about me. What have you been up to, Ms. Lawson? Something fabulous, I’m sure.”
“Not really. I’ve been working at my friend’s store. It’s a low-stress job and not taxing on the brain. I’m kind of at an in-between place in my life right now. Trying to figure stuff out.” Casey paused and took a breath. “So, what’s the deal with this Austin dude? He tells me you’re the one who suggested me as a replacement. Why?”
“Because you’re the best. And Spirit deserves the best. They’re great people and I don’t want some attention-seeking charlatan screwing things up for them.”
“Well, if it’s so great, why don’t you want to go back?”
Barrett sighed and put his hand to his forehead. “That is a completely fair question, especially since I’m the one who gave Austin your name. But truthfully, I’m still in recovery mode. When Luis exorcised the she-demon, he got rid of my familiars, too. And I relied on them a lot.” Unlike Casey, Barrett came from a long line of seers. The familiar spirits that helped him see the future and communicate with the dead had been in his family for generations. “I mean, I can still see ghosts, but I can’t see the future anymore, and that kind of sucks.”
“So ask them back.”
“No, I don’t want to do that. After the she-devil got in, I’m not itching to open myself up again.”
Casey couldn’t blame him. “Well, even without your familiars, you’re still a million times better than most of the so-called psychics out there. And when you do get better, you’re going to want you’re fantastic job back.”
“No. I have my own personal reasons for not wanting to return that I’d rather not get into. It’s a great job, Casey, just not great for me.”
“Well, I haven’t even interviewed yet. Once Austin meets me, he might say forget it.”
“I know for a fact he has no one else lined up. The job is yours to refuse or accept.”
“I don’t know. I’m going to tell it like it is. Some people can’t handle that.”
“That’s what makes you the perfect choice. Austin is very persistent, very charming, and very persuasive. It’s nearly impossible to tell him no. And once he gets his mind set on something, he won’t stop. The team needs someone like you to stand firm, because Austin can’t see the danger and really doesn’t understand it. He’ll lead them all straight into hell without even knowing it.”

About the Author:

I am a native Texan, wife, and mom. In addition to The Spirit Chaser, I have written a young adult series, The Circle. I’m a full-time reader, part-time writer, and when I’m not kicking a story around in my head, I love to read and review books on Goodreads.

You can find and contact Kat Mayor here:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Goodreads

My Review:

❋ ❋ ❋ 

Austin Cole is the world's leading paranormal investigator and is the star of cable television's most popular show, Spirit Chaser Investigations. He's earned every ounce of success with a lot of hard work, an excellent team to back him up, a load of charisma, and the fact that he isn't afraid to take risks. When one ghost hunt goes south and injures Barrett, the resident psychic who is one of the best in the business, Austin has to find a replacement before the next season starts production. Enter Casey, an old friend of Barrett's who he has personally recommended for the job. She's never been involved in the entertainment business; she's never seen an episode of Austin's show and she doesn't even own a tv, but she is the real deal. She's barely scraping by and when Austin offers her the position she thinks her luck has changed, but she realizes from the start that she doesn't like her new boss, and the feeling is mutual - he's a control freak and she's outspoken and stubborn. Eventually, things really begin to come together for the new team until a demon sets her sights directly on Austin. It's up to his loyal crew to save him from one of the most dangerous spirits they've ever encountered.

I couldn't put this urban fantasy novel down - it had me right from the first page! It has a little bit of everything for everyone from paranormal horror, mystery, romance, and a sense of humor. My two favorite parts are easily the ghost hunting and the Spirit Chaser Investigations team at the heart of the story.

I like how the author goes her own way with developing the paranormal world the characters inhabit. It's not necessarily entirely original, but it's quite interesting to see where the author goes and to Casey's journey further into this dark realm that's so close to our own. I also enjoyed getting a good look at each member of the ghost hunting team. Gladly, each character gets a good deal of page time aside from our two leading characters, Austin and Casey. They don't feel like they're just there, but are truly valued members of the crew with important skills and abilities of their own.

My only real issue with the story that partially prevented me from awarding a full five stars is the romance. I knew that going in there was going to be a love story, but I didn't realize quite how graphic it would be and how much of a front seat the romance would take in some sections. However, I do like what the romance becomes and how it becomes a greater part of the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Spirit Chaser by Kat Mayor and if you like Supernatural or The Conjuring, you will be hooked on it just like me. Don't just take my word for it either - pick up a copy, stat! This creepy thrill ride will not disappoint! I'm looking forward to seeing more of this author in the future.

I read this ebook from November 15 - December 7, 2015 and my review is also on Goodreads.

There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of The Spirit Chaser. These are the prizes you can win:
- a $20 Amazon gift card, paperback copies of The Spirit Chaser and The Circle Series.
- a $10 Amazon gift card and an e-copy of The Spirit Chaser

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for hosting my book on your site and for reading and reviewing it!



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