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Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019.  There are a lot of amazing books coming out this year, so my list is actually more like the fifteen books I'm most excited for instead of just ten.  I just couldn't narrow it down to ten!  Here we go, in order by release date:

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager - Release date: July 2nd - I've loved everything from Sager so far and this sounds like it'll be a great new thriller.

Protect the Prince (Crown of Shards #2) by Jennifer Estep - Release date: July 2nd - Kill the Queen, the first book in this series was awesome (maybe even one of my favorite reads of 2019) and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Dark Age (Red Rising Saga #5) by Pierce Brown - Release date: July 30th - This is going to be awesome!

Swipe Right for Murder by Derek Milman - Release date: August 6th - I'm so ready for more from Milman and I can't wait for his upcoming Hitchcockian YA thriller.

Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars #1) by Elizabeth Lim - Release date: August 30th - As soon as I heard it compared to Mulan I was sold.

Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle #3) by Jay Kristoff - Release date: September 3rd - This book could very well kill me and I'd probably thank it.

The Girl the Sea Gave Back (Sky in the Deep #2) by Adrienne Young - Release date: September 3rd - This companion novel is going to be amazing - I know it!

Loki: Where Mischief Liesby Mackenzi Lee - Release date: September 3rd - I'm ready for just how awesome this is going to be!

Capturing the Devil (Stalking Jack the Ripper #4) by Kerri Maniscalco - Release date: September 10th - I'm not ready for this to be over.  Not yet.

Wayward Son (Simon Snow #2) by Rainbow Rowell - Release date: October 3rd - I'm so excited to see that we're getting more of these characters.  Anything by Rowell would make my list to be honest.

In the Hall with a Knife (Clue Mystery #1) by Diana Peterfreund - Release date: October 8th - The first in a YA mystery trilogy for fans of the board game and the classic movie, Clue?  Sign me up!

Across a Broken Shore by Amy Trueblood - Release date: November 5th - I loved Trueblood's debut, Nothing But Sky, and I'm really looking forward her YA historical fiction sophomore novel.

Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy #1) by Maggie Stiefvater - Release date: November 5th - I'm so ready the Ronan trilogy!

The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air #3) by Holly Black - Release date: November 19th - I'm not ready for this to be over.  It's going to be an amazing ride though!

Children of Virtue and Vengeance(Legacy of Orïsha #2)by Tomi Adeyemi - Release date: December 3rd - Children of Blood and Bone was brilliant and I have a feeling this sequel will be just as fantastic.

What releases are you looking forward to the most?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I'm really excited about Call Down the Hawk, Swipe Right for Murder, Loki, Capturing the Devil, and Wayward Son (though I still need to read Carry On, I'm pretty sure I'll love it!). Also, I did not know there was a trilogy coming out based on the game Clue. AWESOME!


  2. It's very hard to narrow this down to ten! I can hardly wait for The Queen of Nothing and The Girl the Sea Gave Back😁

  3. I'm so curious about The Girl the Sea Gave Back. What a title!

    My TTT.

  4. Spin The Dawn and Call Down The Hawk were both on my list this week too! I'm also super excited for Children of Virtue and Vengeance but it was on my first half of the year list, since I did that before the publication date was moved back.
    My TTT:

  5. I cannot wait for Spin the Dawn, Wayward Son and Capturing the Devil. All three are on my TTT list too and for good reasons!

  6. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of In the Hall. I am really excited to see how Peterfreund brings that game to life. I have enjoyed several of her books, and feel like she will do a good job

    1. I just got approved for it on NetGalley! I'm so excited!

  7. I'm so happy to see that Call Down the Hawk made quite a few lists this week! November can't get here soon enough!

  8. Good stuff here- I see several I want. The Holly Black one, and The Girl The Sea Gave Back- I'm pretty excited for that!

  9. Spin the Dawn also made my list! Right when I read Mulan I knew I needed to read it! I've been seeing The Queen of Nothing on a lot of lists today which only reminds me that I still need to read The Cruel Prince! I hope you enjoy these books when they come out!

  10. I absolutely cannot wait for The Girl The Sea Gave Back, it's one of my most anticipated reads!
    Cora |

    1. I have high expectations for it, that's for sure!

  11. I still haven't read the third book in the Jack the Ripper series. I better get on that since the fourth book is so close. Hope you enjoy all these, Lauren!

  12. Love seeing Protect the Prince on your list!
Up for a buddy-read?

    Really need to get the Red Rising books. They look so interesting but I still haven’t gotten around to buy and read them yet.

    Swipe right for murder looks really interesting! And Spin the Dawn is on my radar as well. Darkdawn had probably been on my own TTT list as well if I’d read Nevernight and Godsgrave haha. Well, I started Nevernight 2 times now and I really loved it but haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet and now I’m like ‘I’ll wait till Darkdawn and binge-read them’.

    The girl the sea gave back is my current read. The publisher granted my wish on netgalley 2 days ago so dgjhbdghjbdfg

    Loki is on my own list as well. So curious and excited about it!

    The stalking jack the ripper series is one on my endless to read list as well haha. I only own the first book and have been dying to read it but haven’t gotten around to it yet, yikes.

    Love, Melissa (Melissa's fandom world)

    1. A buddy read of Protect the Prince could be a lot of fun! :)

      I bet you'd love Red Rising.

      So cool about the Young book - it's awesome when NetGalley grants a wish!

      Thanks for coming over, Melissa. :)

  13. So many great books! If I was a superhero, I'd definitely have the power to read hundreds of books in one day AND write all of the reviews in the same day as well! :D

  14. I can't wait to see what you think of Lock Every Door by Riley Sager!


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