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Mini Reviews: Radioactive Revolution, The Triangle, & Null Set (ARC)

Happy Saturday everyone!  Today I'm sharing three mini reviews with you: Radioactive Revolution (Radioactive Evolution #2) by Richard Hummel (available May 6th, 2019), The Triangle by Dan Koboldt, Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, and Mindy McGinnis (available April 24th, 2019), and Null Set (Cas Russell #2) by S.L. Huang (available July 9th, 2019).  Thank you very much to Book Publicity Services for providing me with a copy of Radioactive Revolution, to Serial Box for the free ecopy of The Triangle, and to NetGalley for an ARC of Null Set in exchange for my honest reviews.  Read on to see my thoughts on these stories:

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I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to jump into Radioactive Revolution by Richard Hummel so soon after reading the first book in the series, Radioactive Evolution. I'm thrilled that I took a chance on this series because it has been well worth the time. Since I've already gotten the hang of the author's style and the LitRPG genre, I was able to get right back into Jared and Scarlet's story right from the beginning. This sequel doesn't suffer from a slump at all and it was fantastic. I feel like I flew through it. I just about couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see what this installment would mean for the Hummel's cast and world. I particularly enjoyed that we got to meet more dragons and creatures as well as learn more about how enhancements via nanites work. Plus, the world's getting bigger and I liked seeing all that much more as it expands. Overall, if you're interested in post-apocalyptic sci-fi, survivalist stories, dragons, and Ready Player One, I have a feeling you'll need this series in your life. I can't wait to see where this story is going to go from here. Thanks again to Book Publicity Services!

I read this novel from June 12 - 19, 2019 and my review is also on Goodreads.

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I've always been intrigued by the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, but I've hardly ever read any novels on the topic. The Triangle from Serial Box by Dan Koboldt, Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, and Mindy McGinnis was exactly the YA sci-fi mystery I needed on the subject. The project is cowritten by three authors and each one smoothly trades off on chapters. Of the three authors I'm only familiar with McGinnis. In fact, she's one of my favorites and as for the others I think I'll have to check out more of their work now. The story is quite fast-paced, filled with plenty of twists and turns, and it's visually cinematic. I only wish the ending didn't seem quite as hurried. Overall, though, The Triangle is well worth your time, especially if you're into the Bermuda Triangle and enjoy tight mysteries.

I read this story from June 12 - 18, 2019 and my review is also on Goodreads.

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Null Set by S.L. Huang as it turns out is actually the second book in the Cas Russell series. If only I realized that before I was approved for it. I totally should have read book one, Zero Sum Game, first but either way this still ended up being a pretty great read on its own. I liked getting to Cas herself because her abilities are cool - her genius mathematical skills give her superhuman accuracy and timing - verging on magical. She's flawed but an intriguing figure. The characters themselves were my favorite aspect of the book. Overall, I want to know more about Cas and her world, so I believe I may have to go back to check out the first book in the series.

I read this ARC on June 20, 2019 and my review is also on Goodreads.

Have you read any of these books?  What are you reading this weekend?  As always, thanks for reading my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Radioactive Revolution has an exciting cover. I might look into that series. I've been in the mood for dragon books lately.

  2. The Triangle sounds like fun, although I don't do well with Serial Box's format. I'd love to try Radioactive Revolution!

    1. I ended up received The Triangle in its entirety - that certainly made it easier. :)

  3. I just added Radioactive Revolution to the TBR.


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